Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS) Employers

Employer Average Pension & Benefit Amount for Full-Career Retirees Total Pension & Benefit Amount Number of pensions
No Employer Provided $57,824.02 $184,937,286.16 4,181
Police Dept. - Civilian $55,054.43 $40,930,080.19 893
Dept. of Airports $65,541.21 $30,174,715.26 639
Dept. of Rec. & Parks $53,141.11 $25,015,351.85 572
Dept. of Transportation $57,812.35 $20,773,629.42 411
PW - ENGINEERING $72,336.00 $21,666,228.09 352
Library Dept. $61,288.51 $14,640,966.00 340
Dept. of Bldg. & Safety $72,623.77 $18,482,111.83 327
City Attorney's Office $96,153.84 $20,941,827.24 274
Harbor Dept. $71,168.32 $15,169,050.26 250
ITA $64,914.09 $13,669,570.67 246
GSD - Fleet Services $57,069.08 $9,358,526.58 201
PW - St. Maint. - General $52,659.04 $7,564,013.91 174
Personnel Dept. $64,915.50 $7,562,085.39 147
PW - Sanitation - Hyperion $65,067.40 $5,964,176.61 125
EWDD $67,352.83 $6,935,973.68 119
City Planning Dept. $81,950.65 $7,786,562.33 114
Fire Dept. - Civilian $58,518.42 $5,452,459.72 110
PW - Contract Administration $66,858.24 $5,719,301.24 101
GSD - Bldg. Fac Mgmt. $31,706.86 $2,462,373.60 100
Dept. of Transportation - As Needed N/A $522,505.01 89
Office of Finance - Tax & Permit $56,325.56 $3,668,967.79 87
GSD - Bldg. Svcs. $60,885.38 $4,285,622.94 84
PW - San - Solid Resource South Coll Div $51,159.94 $3,465,562.66 83
Controller's Office $75,346.84 $4,755,974.06 78
GSD - Materials Mgmt. $50,281.23 $2,708,935.03 67
PW - Sanitation - Solid Resources Coll. $47,614.32 $2,624,557.08 65
PW - Resurf & Reconstr Div. $56,743.24 $2,559,480.79 60
LA Convention Center $56,260.26 $2,688,105.52 58
PW - Sanitation - Wastewater Coll Sys. $45,079.24 $1,944,311.08 55
Office of the City Clerk $69,460.05 $3,517,784.80 53
PW - St. Lighting $64,150.90 $2,712,763.39 51
Zoo Dept. $49,367.46 $1,999,509.34 51
Dept. of Rec. & Parks 2 N/A $255,437.55 50
PW - St. Tree Div. $54,498.88 $2,281,815.51 49
PW - Sanitation - Solid Res Valley Coll $53,287.98 $2,044,003.54 49
PW - LOT CLEANING $61,444.38 $2,429,161.43 44
Office of the City Admin Officer $93,761.19 $3,316,675.90 43
Dept. of Animal Svcs. $56,657.66 $1,853,365.32 43
PW - Sanitation - Environ Monitoring Div $58,401.85 $1,697,844.28 41
PW - Sanitation - Solid Resources Engr. $64,395.28 $1,743,092.38 35
GSD - Public Bldgs. $55,613.00 $1,263,679.47 35
PW - ACCOUNTING $65,429.31 $1,694,422.66 34
CULTURAL AFFAIRS $56,573.15 $1,282,205.91 33
LA Housing Dept. - Neighborhood Svcs. $66,330.37 $2,004,011.52 33
LACERS $74,511.60 $1,801,547.02 33
COUNCIL $99,392.38 $2,444,346.06 32
COUNCIL - AS NEEDED $71,287.17 $1,126,750.49 32
PW - Admin Div. $51,469.07 $1,400,706.60 32
PW - Sanitation - Industrial Waste Mgmt $63,739.96 $1,427,710.71 31
LA Housing Dept. - Enforcement $67,921.80 $1,521,836.20 30
PW - Special Proj Constr Div. $59,084.37 $1,280,645.48 30
PW - Sanitation - Terminal Island $69,224.82 $1,799,024.24 30
PW - Sanitation - DC Tillman $71,331.65 $1,531,536.36 27
Dept. of R&P Full-Time Special Fund $53,216.45 $1,102,994.57 27
PW - STREET USE INSPECTION $56,806.53 $1,375,939.13 25
Dept. of Aging $66,387.15 $1,079,049.28 25
GSD - Standards $71,733.94 $1,241,268.24 23
GSD - Security Svcs. $53,464.76 $996,000.50 23
Office of Finance - Risk Mgmt $81,445.19 $1,394,116.56 22
PW - Sanitation - Human Resources Div. $68,910.08 $1,166,849.14 21
FIRE & POLICE PENSIONS $90,813.13 $1,646,745.70 21
PW - St. Maint. - Admin. $59,996.21 $1,068,864.90 21
GSD - Printing Revolving $47,600.27 $723,729.72 20
GSD - Purchasing $46,301.10 $771,029.83 18
PW - St. Improv Div. $76,311.48 $848,459.20 17
PW - GENERAL OFFICE $73,953.82 $956,642.27 17
LA Housing Dept. - Development $71,712.66 $994,586.52 16
PW - Sanitation - Solid Res Support Serv $64,763.37 $823,317.05 16
PW - St. Maint. - Executive Div. $103,728.33 $1,398,940.04 15
PW - Sanitation - Financial Mgmt Div. $68,815.91 $715,314.08 14
GSD -Asset Management $80,817.16 $881,994.20 14
LA Housing Dept. - Regulation & Control $54,003.22 $620,383.92 14
GSD - Accounting $67,542.75 $598,858.57 13
PW - Sanitation - LA-Glendale Wtr Rclm $62,504.41 $773,979.55 13
Mayor's Office $61,515.06 $575,804.33 12
PW - Sanitation - Info & Cntrl Sys $70,690.89 $665,887.21 11
PW - Sanitation - Executive Div. $90,956.03 $915,905.52 11
Library Dept. - As Needed N/A $215,186.88 11
Office of the Treasurer $51,651.46 $504,799.20 11
PW - Mgmt/Empl Svcs. $79,907.80 $753,188.40 10
PW - Sanitation - Storm Wtr Mgmt Div. $76,068.84 $511,557.76 10
Dept. of R&P Full-Time Partly Fund $45,020.46 $326,813.08 10
GSD - Mail/Messenger Svcs. $36,818.84 $200,056.72 9
GSD - As Needed $46,883.76 $371,997.72 9
Dept. of Neighborhood Empowerment $97,413.43 $583,632.24 8
El Pueblo - LA Historical Monument N/A $146,149.54 8
Office of Finance - Exe & Admin $68,677.03 $502,305.24 8
LA Housing Dept. - Compliance Div. $66,621.12 $333,479.50 7
GSD - Admin. $94,741.66 $612,212.64 7
LA Convention Center - As Needed N/A $19,250.91 7
GSD - Fleet Svcs. - As Needed $52,028.82 $134,180.14 7
PW - Sanitation - Liquid Waste Mgmt. $94,153.23 $531,393.36 7
LA Housing Dept. - Housing Svc. Div. $56,226.09 $315,174.48 7
LA Housing Dept. - Accounting Div. $81,569.64 $360,810.60 6
PW - Sanitation - Integrated Waste Mgmt. $38,079.72 $243,945.54 6
Dept. on Disability $57,093.42 $340,438.56 6
LA Housing Dept. - Executive Mgmt. $99,781.01 $498,905.04 5
GSD - Personnel Svcs. $82,085.26 $410,426.28 5
LA Housing Dept. - Portfolio Mgmt. $86,491.02 $251,171.28 5
Emergency Preparedness Dept $71,185.20 $290,505.12 5
LA Housing Dept. - Operations $79,992.00 $349,321.08 5
PW - Sanitation - Reg. Affairs Div. $86,227.86 $373,733.64 5
PW - St. Maint - Facilities Mgmt $75,606.89 $378,034.44 5
GSD - Prima Project $70,475.88 $220,375.32 4
GSD - Mgmt. Information Sys. $90,922.98 $363,691.92 4
Employee Relations Board $61,518.36 $184,555.08 3
Office of Finance - TAPS 2000 $79,403.82 $220,957.56 3
GSD - Operation Analysis $47,467.90 $133,253.96 3
El Pueblo - State Historical Park N/A $72,521.64 3
GSD - Special Operations $76,883.16 $188,047.44 3
GSD - Fleet Reengineering $74,192.76 $141,892.32 3
Dept. of Rec. & Parks -Commission $43,744.68 $58,727.40 2
Library Dept. - Branch Construction $97,024.98 $194,049.96 2
CLA $131,879.76 $143,121.20 2
LA Housing Dept. - System Div. $65,264.28 $122,714.28 2
Dept. of Environmental Affairs $78,080.88 $104,039.40 2
Library Dept. - Educ Trust - As Needed N/A $9,414.72 2
City Ethics Commission - Staff N/A $115,690.08 2
Zoo Dept. - As Needed N/A $27,761.32 2
Emergency Preparedness Dept. $78,058.20 $103,438.44 2
GSD - Fleet Techical Services $63,904.32 $127,808.64 2
Human Services Department $46,549.68 $46,549.68 1
Personnel Dept. C S 2 N/A $20,061.24 1
PW - Sanitation - Hiring Hall $45,854.76 $45,854.76 1
LA Housing Dept.- Monitoring & Tech Asst $2,044.59 $2,044.59 1
EL PUEBLO - AS NEEDED N/A $3,593.04 1
LA Convention Center - Exempt N/A $3,992.64 1
LA Housing Dept. - As Needed N/A $6,097.92 1
Mayor's Office - Grant Reimbursed $66,111.60 $66,111.60 1
GSD - Construction Admin. $128,414.64 $128,414.64 1
Commission on Status of Women $78,585.60 $78,585.60 1
LA Housing Dept. - Rent Stabilization N/A $7,233.60 1
Personnel Dept. - Earthquake Recovery $77,963.04 $77,963.04 1
Mayor's Office - As Needed N/A $37,113.48 1
Total: $574,816,280.64 12,001