Job title summary for South Orange Community College District

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Library Technician 4 $61,878.50 $71.50 $2,454.50 $64,404.50 $29,712.25 $94,116.75
English as a Second Language Instructor 4 $54,461.00 $0.00 $10,047.25 $64,508.25 $21,326.75 $85,835.00
Webmaster 3 $94,794.33 $765.00 -$282.67 $95,276.67 $31,849.67 $127,126.33
HVAC Technician 3 $68,540.67 $2,036.33 $3,159.67 $73,736.67 $30,500.00 $104,236.67
Computer Science Instructor 3 $81,443.00 $0.00 $10,397.33 $91,840.33 $28,264.00 $120,104.33
Lab Technician, Computers 3 $51,521.00 $126.67 $1,803.67 $53,451.33 $19,831.00 $73,282.33
Counseling Office Assistant 3 $39,727.00 $243.33 -$111.00 $39,859.33 $19,481.67 $59,341.00
Dispatcher/Records 3 $42,786.67 $4,032.67 -$1,259.33 $45,560.00 $26,499.67 $72,059.67
CIS Instructor 3 $167,622.00 $0.00 $7,108.67 $174,730.67 $39,567.33 $214,298.00
Athletic Trainer 3 $76,605.67 $1,757.00 $5,336.67 $83,699.33 $31,586.00 $115,285.33
Geography Instructor 3 $105,083.33 $0.00 $4,642.33 $109,725.67 $33,322.67 $143,048.33
Counselor (Generalist) 3 $107,679.33 $0.00 $10,081.67 $117,761.00 $30,288.67 $148,049.67
Office Assistant 3 $34,861.67 $78.33 $98.67 $35,038.67 $16,965.33 $52,004.00
Athletic Equip Specialist/Driver 3 $50,644.67 $2,186.00 $3,150.00 $55,980.67 $25,898.00 $81,878.67
Curriculum Specialist 3 $68,701.33 $2,844.67 $2,153.00 $73,699.00 $30,415.67 $104,114.67
Biological Sciences Instructor 3 $98,861.67 $0.00 $642.00 $99,503.67 $24,848.00 $124,351.67
Faculty Intersession - Non-Classroom 3 $69,560.33 $0.00 $1,955.00 $71,515.33 $18,454.00 $89,969.33
Philosophy Instructor 3 $131,123.00 $0.00 $2,820.00 $133,943.00 $35,649.67 $169,592.67
Lead Groundskeeper 3 $62,168.00 $9,456.33 $2,679.67 $74,304.00 $28,641.67 $102,945.67
Health Center Nurse 3 $27,298.33 $607.00 $844.00 $28,749.33 $3,010.00 $31,759.33
Child Dev & Educational Studies 3 $125,659.00 $0.00 $9,979.00 $135,638.00 $35,827.67 $171,465.67
Counseling 3 $83,223.00 $0.00 $2,333.00 $85,556.00 $23,554.33 $109,110.33
Admissions and Records Evaluator 3 $65,139.33 $355.33 $2,338.00 $67,832.67 $30,043.33 $97,876.00
Graphic Designer 3 $47,500.33 $188.33 $0.00 $47,688.67 $20,926.67 $68,615.33
Police Operations Lieutenant 3 $63,547.33 $627.00 $10,301.33 $74,475.67 $18,401.33 $92,877.00
Lead Building Maintenance Worker 3 $67,624.33 $5,910.67 $2,880.67 $76,415.67 $30,403.67 $106,819.33
Political Science Instructor 3 $125,007.00 $0.00 $2,393.33 $127,400.33 $35,034.33 $162,434.67
Warehouse Worker 3 $47,637.67 $235.33 $257.33 $48,130.33 $27,934.00 $76,064.33
Application Specialist II 3 $81,828.00 $683.33 $660.00 $83,171.33 $31,598.00 $114,769.33
Admissions and Records Specialist II 3 $43,090.33 $0.00 -$49.00 $43,041.33 $20,452.33 $63,493.67
Vice President for Student Services 2 $189,071.50 $0.00 $7,680.00 $196,751.50 $41,567.50 $238,319.00
World History Instructor 2 $104,199.00 $0.00 $1,979.00 $106,178.00 $31,328.00 $137,506.00
Assistant Dean, Health Sciences & Human Services/Director of Nursing 2 $142,181.00 $0.00 $14,317.00 $156,498.00 $36,782.50 $193,280.50
EMS Program Specialist 2 $32,236.50 $859.50 $1,560.50 $34,656.50 $14,816.00 $49,472.50
Business Instructor 2 $127,635.50 $0.00 $15,672.50 $143,308.00 $36,492.00 $179,800.00
Painter 2 $63,900.00 $190.00 -$966.50 $63,123.50 $29,544.50 $92,668.00
Instructional Technologist 2 $90,312.00 $0.00 $0.00 $90,312.00 $32,516.00 $122,828.00
Interior Design Instructor 2 $95,552.00 $0.00 $2,949.50 $98,501.50 $32,203.00 $130,704.50
Physical Education Instructor 2 $97,037.00 $0.00 $7,071.50 $104,108.50 $14,393.00 $118,501.50
Director, Child Development Center 2 $110,967.50 $0.00 $349.50 $111,317.00 $34,648.50 $145,965.50
Plant Engineer 2 $81,217.50 $3,854.50 $4,234.00 $89,306.00 $31,929.00 $121,235.00
Plumber 2 $58,922.00 $2,179.00 -$317.00 $60,784.00 $29,031.00 $89,815.00
Construction Manager-Categorical 2 $119,049.50 $0.00 $3,480.00 $122,529.50 $35,651.00 $158,180.50
Copy Center Technician 2 $43,543.00 $26.00 $376.50 $43,945.50 $14,451.50 $58,397.00
Police Officer (Sub) 2 $24,121.00 $0.00 $0.00 $24,121.00 $0.00 $24,121.00
Interpreter V 2 $20,599.00 $67.50 $0.00 $20,666.50 $0.00 $20,666.50
Buyer 2 $58,295.00 $2,208.00 $1,110.00 $61,613.00 $29,182.50 $90,795.50
President 2 $230,628.00 $0.00 $10,680.00 $241,308.00 $46,351.00 $287,659.00
Exec Asst, Office of the Vice Chancellor 2 $96,498.50 $0.00 $1,485.00 $97,983.50 $33,225.50 $131,209.00
Accounting Instructor 2 $115,038.50 $0.00 $8,972.00 $124,010.50 $34,590.00 $158,600.50

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.