Job title summary for American Valley Community Service District

Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
General Manager 1 $88,858.00 $0.00 $0.00 $88,858.00 $33,062.00 $121,920.00
Admin. Assistant 1 $38,951.00 $156.00 $0.00 $39,107.00 $23,017.00 $62,124.00
Office Manager 1 $50,627.00 $310.00 $0.00 $50,937.00 $24,468.00 $75,405.00
Operator In Training 1 $42,175.00 $1,270.00 $0.00 $43,445.00 $22,761.00 $66,206.00
Operator 1 $45,010.00 $2,276.00 $0.00 $47,286.00 $15,970.00 $63,256.00
Operator II 2 $55,427.00 $3,296.00 $0.00 $58,723.00 $30,498.00 $89,221.00
Lead Operator 1 $69,611.00 $11,087.00 $0.00 $80,698.00 $20,865.00 $101,563.00

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.