Edward Cabrera
Title: Asst Dir of Finance
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$118,688.52 |
$21,016.56 |
27.83 |
2016 |
$139,705.08 |
Ofelia Reyno
Title: Dept Chief Acct I, II, III, IV
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$108,276.72 |
$21,016.56 |
31.91 |
2016 |
$129,293.28 |
Joy Ory
Title: Ch Mgmt Analyst
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$120,739.92 |
$535.20 |
36.55 |
2010 |
$121,275.12 |
Mark O'brien
Title: Sr Mgmt Analyst I, II,
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$106,372.14 |
$14,366.99 |
37.24 |
2010 |
$120,739.13 |
June Ulrich
Title: Sr Mgmt Analyst I, II,
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$109,840.20 |
$10,775.88 |
37.37 |
2010 |
$120,616.08 |
Antoinette Christovale
Title: Dir of Finance
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$103,538.34 |
$15,677.88 |
20.80 |
2016 |
$119,216.22 |
Sylvia Nesbit
Title: Ch Tax & Permit Div I, II
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$106,449.06 |
$4,806.59 |
32.64 |
2000 |
$111,255.65 |
Robert Eustrom
Title: Ch Tax & Permit Div I, II
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$91,724.46 |
$14,845.20 |
34.03 |
2005 |
$106,569.66 |
Pamela Mooney
Title: Asst Dir of Finance
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$83,177.40 |
$19,381.80 |
22.22 |
2010 |
$102,559.20 |
Teresita Diaz
Title: Pr Tax Auditor
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$83,070.30 |
$15,476.10 |
30.51 |
2016 |
$98,546.40 |
Tracy Evans
Title: Pr Tax Compliance Ofcr
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$86,704.56 |
$10,775.88 |
34.67 |
2009 |
$97,480.44 |
Phyllis Perkins
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$75,592.38 |
$21,016.56 |
33.06 |
2015 |
$96,608.94 |
William White
Title: Sr Mgmt Analyst I, II,
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$72,248.34 |
$21,016.56 |
29.76 |
2016 |
$93,264.90 |
Evelyn Fernandez Melone
Title: Sr Tax Auditor
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$69,047.64 |
$21,643.97 |
28.19 |
2017 |
$90,691.61 |
Vern Lapuz
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$69,768.90 |
$20,635.73 |
30.07 |
2016 |
$90,404.63 |
Leslie Trammel
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$80,297.70 |
$8,605.32 |
34.94 |
2004 |
$88,903.02 |
Ela Vallejo
Title: Exec Admin Assistant I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$77,548.02 |
$10,775.88 |
38.31 |
2016 |
$88,323.90 |
Brenda Combs
Title: Sr Tax Auditor
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$77,449.08 |
$10,775.88 |
32.08 |
2011 |
$88,224.96 |
Joanne Louie
Title: Sr Tax Auditor
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$83,127.66 |
$4,854.59 |
33.86 |
2011 |
$87,982.25 |
Sudie Rover
Title: Pr Tax Compliance Ofcr
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$84,006.42 |
$3,627.42 |
32.52 |
2004 |
$87,633.84 |
Jose Angeles
Title: Sr Tax Auditor
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$83,901.54 |
$3,627.42 |
34.55 |
2011 |
$87,528.96 |
Millicent Hunter
Title: Systems Analyst I, II
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$64,771.26 |
$21,016.56 |
30.64 |
2016 |
$85,787.82 |
Carlos Venegas
Title: Sr Tax Auditor
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$68,809.80 |
$15,476.10 |
26.63 |
2017 |
$84,285.90 |
Wanda Coleman
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$71,987.70 |
$10,775.88 |
32.64 |
2014 |
$82,763.58 |
Larry Manocchio
Title: Pr Tax Compliance Ofcr
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$58,922.70 |
$21,016.56 |
25.85 |
2012 |
$79,939.26 |
Sandra Mack
Title: Finance Coll Invtgr I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$69,920.64 |
$5,187.42 |
38.08 |
2010 |
$75,108.06 |
Martin Higgins
Title: Finance Coll Invtgr I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$68,068.74 |
$6,719.64 |
36.14 |
2009 |
$74,788.38 |
Olga Jacquez
Title: Accounting Clerk
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$52,857.90 |
$21,016.56 |
38.11 |
2010 |
$73,874.46 |
Beatriz Suga
Title: Finance Coll Invtgr I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$65,559.48 |
$8,193.64 |
37.16 |
2013 |
$73,753.12 |
Samuel Namath
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$68,395.14 |
$5,235.42 |
31.98 |
2005 |
$73,630.56 |
Debra Riley
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$69,885.72 |
$3,627.42 |
37.77 |
2013 |
$73,513.14 |
Nick Shahvaladian
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$58,835.70 |
$13,868.10 |
30.26 |
2015 |
$72,703.80 |
Minnie Johnson
Title: Finance Coll Invtgr I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$63,867.18 |
$8,798.54 |
34.91 |
2010 |
$72,665.72 |
Lourdes Kabiling
Title: Tax Auditor
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$58,752.36 |
$13,868.10 |
29.68 |
2015 |
$72,620.46 |
Josefina Sison
Title: Sr Tax Auditor
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$66,700.74 |
$5,187.42 |
27.11 |
2014 |
$71,888.16 |
Martha Torres
Title: Customer Service Specialist
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$50,821.98 |
$21,016.56 |
33.06 |
2013 |
$71,838.54 |
Coretta Williams
Title: Management Analyst I, II
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$61,791.42 |
$8,653.32 |
30.64 |
2002 |
$70,444.74 |
Randall Manglicmot
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$49,173.96 |
$21,016.56 |
27.88 |
2015 |
$70,190.52 |
Robert Gagnon
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$52,861.68 |
$15,763.56 |
24.85 |
2014 |
$68,625.24 |
Larry Tinson
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$64,991.70 |
$3,627.42 |
34.72 |
2007 |
$68,619.12 |
Yong Lee
Title: Tax Auditor
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$58,003.62 |
$10,271.80 |
28.69 |
2014 |
$68,275.42 |
Janice Hamilton
Title: Pr Clerk
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$63,069.30 |
$5,187.42 |
39.50 |
2002 |
$68,256.72 |
Benjamin Bohorquez
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$58,778.28 |
$7,946.81 |
31.81 |
2008 |
$66,725.09 |
Vivian Nguyen
Title: Sr Admin Clerk
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$52,752.66 |
$13,085.29 |
37.05 |
2017 |
$65,837.95 |
Steven Hsu
Title: Sr Tax Auditor
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$55,683.54 |
$8,631.96 |
24.20 |
2011 |
$64,315.50 |
Rotimi Lawani
Title: Tax Compliance Officer I, II, III
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$56,315.58 |
$7,813.14 |
25.50 |
2011 |
$64,128.72 |
James Lyons
Title: Sr Tax Auditor
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$54,929.16 |
$8,562.48 |
23.03 |
2010 |
$63,491.64 |
Ursicio Gomez
Title: Sr Accountant I, II
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$51,165.60 |
$12,303.58 |
25.35 |
2015 |
$63,469.18 |
Angela Gonzalez
Title: Customer Service Specialist
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$53,052.12 |
$10,395.05 |
32.52 |
2016 |
$63,447.17 |
Julieta Gamido
Title: Accountant/ I, II
Employer: Office of Finance - Tax & Permit
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2018
$54,531.60 |
$8,279.64 |
34.35 |
2011 |
$62,811.24 |