2019 pensions for Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS)
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Name Job Title/Employer/Pension Pension Benefits Years of
Year of
Total pension &
benefits amount
Vincent Jones Title: Deputy City Engineer I, II
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$147,058.98 $22,024.80 31.47 2014 $169,083.78
Hiddo Netto Title: Sanitation Wastewater Manager I, II, III
Employer: PW - Sanitation - DC Tillman
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$152,119.20 $16,462.36 39.08 2014 $168,581.56
Joan Raff Title: Ch Airports Engr I, II
Employer: Dept. of Airports
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$152,489.82 $15,785.67 35.80 2017 $168,275.49
Breton Lobner Title: Sr Asst City Atty
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$153,350.58 $14,918.51 32.52 2003 $168,269.09
Philip Shiner Title: Ch Asst City Atty
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$162,182.64 $5,310.84 32.94 2003 $167,493.48
Keith De La Rosa Title: DEPUTY CITY ATTY IV
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$155,450.91 $11,673.87 32.25 2018 $167,124.78
Robert Martin Title: Deputy Supt Of Bldg I, II
Employer: Dept. of Bldg. & Safety
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$158,329.26 $8,679.38 38.78 2007 $167,008.64
Janette Zatorski Title: Deputy Dir Of Planning
Employer: City Planning Dept.
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$145,796.82 $21,016.56 33.40 2017 $166,813.38
William Moran Title: Police Administrator/ I, II
Employer: Police Dept. - Civilian
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$158,066.34 $8,679.38 33.79 2002 $166,745.72
Martin Vranicar Title: Assistant City Attorney
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$161,020.20 $5,310.84 38.35 2008 $166,331.04
Christopher Westhoff Title: Assistant City Attorney
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$157,357.92 $8,679.38 35.38 2010 $166,037.30
Susan Kent Title: City Librarian
Employer: Library Dept.
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$150,933.60 $14,918.51 27.17 2004 $165,852.11
Leslie Pinchuk Title: Assistant City Attorney
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$150,873.18 $14,918.51 36.53 2001 $165,791.69
John Ward Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019 $160,452.96 $5,310.84 40.61 1989 $165,763.80
Craig Bloomquist Title: Dept Chief Acct I, II, III, IV
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$156,873.90 $8,679.38 44.22 2009 $165,553.28
Clark Robins Title: Deputy City Engineer I, II
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$157,053.66 $8,460.48 44.87 2009 $165,514.14
James Gibson Title: Ch Mgmt Analyst
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$149,716.20 $15,785.67 38.83 2010 $165,501.87
George Woodard Title: Sr Asst City Atty
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$150,350.52 $14,918.51 33.52 2002 $165,269.03
Maria Cardenas Title: CH ADMIN ANALYST
Employer: Office of the City Admin Officer
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$144,090.12 $20,645.01 33.88 2018 $164,735.13
Delwin Biagi Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019 $157,879.74 $6,834.48 33.13 1997 $164,714.22
Con Howe Title: Dir Of Planning
Employer: City Planning Dept.
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$149,649.84 $14,918.51 30.71 2005 $164,568.35
Garcelle Embry Title: DEPUTY CITY ATTY IV
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$140,869.30 $23,692.16 30.14 2018 $164,561.46
Philip Depoian Title: Deputy G M Airpt / 2
Employer: Dept. of Airports
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$149,616.54 $14,918.51 32.21 2007 $164,535.05
Doreen Hudson Title: Police Admn. I, II, III
Employer: Police Dept. - Civilian
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$148,617.66 $15,785.67 39.65 2017 $164,403.33
Ann Smith Title: Gen Mgr Dept Of Aging
Employer: Dept. of Aging
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$148,459.32 $15,785.67 34.25 2002 $164,244.99
Robert Andalon Title: Ch Mgmt Analyst
Employer: Dept. of Transportation
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$146,075.70 $17,603.00 37.77 2017 $163,678.70
Bruce Rollo Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019 $156,748.92 $6,834.48 40.62 1996 $163,583.40
Salvador Miranda Title: Sanitation Solid Resources Manager I, II
Employer: PW - Sanitation - Solid Res Valley Coll
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$142,560.06 $21,016.56 37.54 2014 $163,576.62
Arthur Devine Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019 $154,817.52 $8,679.38 36.09 1997 $163,496.90
Victor Osugi Title: Asst Dir Bur Of St Mt
Employer: PW - St. Maint. - Executive Div.
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$155,154.06 $8,088.93 37.77 2003 $163,242.99
Jerome Montgomery Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019 $156,176.58 $6,834.48 36.59 1999 $163,011.06
Michael Klekner Title: Deputy City Attorney IV
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$154,320.96 $8,679.38 38.60 2006 $163,000.34
Alan Dahle Title: Assistant City Attorney
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$148,014.42 $14,918.51 36.61 2010 $162,932.93
Ruben Perez Title: Deputy Supt Of Bldg I, II
Employer: Dept. of Bldg. & Safety
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$150,726.30 $12,051.85 37.19 2008 $162,778.15
Paul Blount Title: Sanitation Solid Resources Manager I, II
Employer: PW - Sanitation - Solid Resources Engr.
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$147,807.72 $14,918.51 46.28 2014 $162,726.23
Jack Brown Title: Assistant City Attorney
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$153,998.82 $8,679.38 34.32 2010 $162,678.20
Employer: PW - St. Improv Div.
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$140,365.56 $21,653.25 38.04 2018 $162,018.81
John Fisher Title: Pr Transport Engr
Employer: Dept. of Transportation
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$156,671.10 $5,310.84 39.27 2012 $161,981.94
Gloria Sosa Title: Asst Gen Mgr Pers Dept
Employer: Personnel Dept.
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$146,050.50 $15,785.67 31.68 2016 $161,836.17
Lara Bloomquist Title: Assistant City Attorney
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$153,109.68 $8,679.38 31.03 2013 $161,789.06
Marcie Edwards Title: Legislative Analyst I
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$140,757.54 $20,995.20 24.24 2017 $161,752.74
Roger Haug Title: Deputy City Engineer I, II
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$146,634.18 $14,918.51 30.94 2010 $161,552.69
Nancy Gennusa Title: Police Admn. I, II, III
Employer: Police Dept. - Civilian
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$152,839.50 $8,679.38 36.51 2010 $161,518.88
Robert Ferber Title: Deputy City Attorney IV
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$145,631.52 $15,785.67 32.82 2013 $161,417.19
Michael Di Girolamo Title: Deputy G M Airpt / 2
Employer: Dept. of Airports
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$146,424.42 $14,981.75 34.82 2010 $161,406.17
Warren O Brien Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019 $152,565.48 $8,460.48 33.29 1994 $161,025.96
Donald Kass Title: Assistant City Attorney
Employer: City Attorney's Office
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$146,152.56 $14,783.01 30.07 2014 $160,935.57
Robert Mcmasters Title: Ch Constr Inspector
Employer: PW - Contract Administration
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$146,997.36 $13,925.52 44.02 2014 $160,922.88
Frank Martinez Title: City Clerk
Employer: Office of the City Clerk
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$152,156.34 $8,679.38 30.14 2008 $160,835.72
Employer: Dept. of Airports
Pension: Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS), 2019
$144,490.38 $16,304.91 37.54 2018 $160,795.29