Job title | Count | Avg Regular pay | Avg Overtime pay | Avg Other pay | Avg Total pay | Avg Benefits | Avg Total pay & benefits |
City Manager | 1 | $57,829.00 | $0.00 | $3,600.00 | $61,429.00 | $6,141.00 | $67,570.00 |
Adminstrative Assistant | 1 | $55,284.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $55,284.00 | $18,039.00 | $73,323.00 |
PW II | 2 | $47,861.50 | $933.00 | $0.00 | $48,794.50 | $9,706.75 | $58,501.25 |
Sewer Operator | 1 | $39,384.00 | $3,229.00 | $0.00 | $42,613.00 | $14,182.00 | $56,795.00 |
Finance Clerk | 1 | $39,459.00 | $2,792.00 | $0.00 | $42,251.00 | $12,639.00 | $54,890.00 |
Office Clerk | 1 | $41,241.00 | $198.00 | $0.00 | $41,439.00 | $55.00 | $41,494.00 |
Development Coordinator | 1 | $29,160.00 | $0.00 | $1,650.00 | $30,810.00 | $0.00 | $30,810.00 |
PW Director | 1 | $30,431.00 | $209.00 | $0.00 | $30,640.00 | $0.00 | $30,640.00 |
Finance Director | 1 | $19,277.00 | $0.00 | $1,200.00 | $20,477.00 | $2,047.00 | $22,524.00 |
PW I | 1 | $18,572.00 | $266.00 | $0.00 | $18,838.00 | $0.00 | $18,838.00 |
Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.