Job title summary for Los Angeles Community College District

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Instructional Assistant - Nursing 5 $40,725.00 $2,376.60 $849.80 $43,951.40 $13,283.60 $57,235.00
Electronics Technician 5 $67,768.00 $746.20 $4,738.60 $73,252.80 $24,725.80 $97,978.60
Department Chair, 24.5 hr duty 5 $127,401.40 $0.00 $13,973.00 $141,374.40 $27,484.00 $168,858.40
Administrative Assistant, Admin Services 5 $56,676.80 $1,034.00 $2,199.80 $59,910.60 $21,571.40 $81,482.00
Stock Control Supervisor 5 $64,031.00 $1,889.80 $4,919.40 $70,840.20 $27,647.60 $98,487.80
College Financial Administrator 5 $75,520.60 $800.00 $8,324.80 $84,645.40 $18,363.60 $103,009.00
Online Multimedia Specialist 5 $51,746.40 $305.80 $419.60 $52,471.80 $12,375.20 $64,847.00
Child Devel Center Tchr, Adjunct (SFP) 5 $36,551.80 $0.00 $140.60 $36,692.40 $2,318.40 $39,010.80
Bookstore Manager 5 $79,344.60 $5,383.40 $5,196.60 $89,924.60 $24,380.40 $114,305.00
Retirement Systems Technician 5 $58,300.40 $286.20 $3,390.60 $61,977.20 $19,292.60 $81,269.80
Bargaining Unit Rep Adjunct (60% exempt) 5 $45,235.80 $0.00 $5,223.00 $50,458.80 $5,086.20 $55,545.00
Automotive Mechanic 5 $56,322.80 $244.60 $443.00 $57,010.40 $18,376.40 $75,386.80
Admissions & Records Office Supervisor 5 $57,458.60 $1,309.40 $6,334.80 $65,102.80 $24,685.00 $89,787.80
Department Chair 6 $113,313.33 $0.00 $6,570.33 $119,883.67 $25,346.17 $145,229.83
Financial Analyst 6 $70,661.33 $177.83 $5,885.50 $76,724.67 $25,260.00 $101,984.67
Instructional Assistant - Music 6 $58,160.00 $89.67 $3,149.50 $61,399.17 $16,542.00 $77,941.17
Instructional Assistant - Photography 6 $54,229.50 $2.33 $3,864.67 $58,096.50 $22,111.67 $80,208.17
Lead Support Services Assistant 6 $54,357.17 $2,460.33 $2,153.67 $58,971.17 $20,891.33 $79,862.50
Gardening Supervisor 6 $59,716.33 $626.67 $3,247.17 $63,590.17 $25,573.33 $89,163.50
Data Communications Specialist 6 $92,471.00 $1,837.50 $4,152.50 $98,461.00 $27,311.50 $125,772.50
Vice Department Chair 6 $114,915.17 $0.00 $6,613.00 $121,528.17 $25,560.33 $147,088.50
Athletic Director 7 $101,842.57 $0.00 $6,268.43 $108,111.00 $26,747.14 $134,858.14
Senior Custodial Supervisor 7 $55,765.00 $2,383.00 $6,394.43 $64,542.43 $22,767.71 $87,310.14
Assoc Vice President, Admin Services 7 $129,226.57 $0.00 $3,485.29 $132,711.86 $31,670.29 $164,382.14
Student Recruitment Coordinator 7 $58,514.14 $0.00 $977.86 $59,492.00 $18,851.29 $78,343.29
Physical Sciences Lab Technician 7 $47,313.86 $6.14 $2,929.29 $50,249.29 $17,133.00 $67,382.29
Sr Admissions & Records Office Spvr 7 $70,408.29 $4,127.71 $5,160.71 $79,696.71 $23,552.86 $103,249.57
Software Systems Engineer 7 $109,638.00 $5,171.14 $5,030.86 $119,840.00 $29,654.71 $149,494.71
Instr (Special Assignment) 7 $97,835.86 $0.00 $542.14 $98,378.00 $19,505.43 $117,883.43
Groundskeeper 7 $41,727.00 $52.57 $427.43 $42,207.00 $16,264.86 $58,471.86
Community Services Manager 8 $78,479.62 $1,573.88 $5,195.25 $85,248.75 $25,061.50 $110,310.25
Locksmith 8 $68,264.38 $649.75 $573.00 $69,487.12 $25,917.88 $95,405.00
Supervising Accounting Technician 8 $66,709.00 $189.12 $5,612.25 $72,510.38 $27,782.50 $100,292.88
Instructional Asst, Assistive Technology 8 $54,744.50 $627.25 $1,726.12 $57,097.88 $19,974.62 $77,072.50
Instructional Media Technician 8 $48,502.25 $3,990.75 $3,062.75 $55,555.75 $19,088.00 $74,643.75
Personnel Assistant 8 $45,422.25 $0.00 $1,607.88 $47,030.12 $18,172.25 $65,202.38
Department Chair, Counseling 8 $134,921.12 $0.00 $16,037.12 $150,958.25 $29,847.88 $180,806.12
Director, Child Development Center 8 $106,095.12 $0.00 $5,236.12 $111,331.25 $21,615.25 $132,946.50
Community Services Aide 8 $39,928.12 $221.00 $1,445.75 $41,594.88 $17,636.25 $59,231.12
Counselor, Adjunct (SFP) 8 $43,070.62 $0.00 $165.00 $43,235.62 $3,341.38 $46,577.00
Child Development Center Teacher, Adjunc 8 $48,778.62 $0.00 $0.00 $48,778.62 $2,928.75 $51,707.38
Department Chair, 35 hr duty 8 $137,516.62 $0.00 $17,936.88 $155,453.50 $30,044.12 $185,497.62
Payroll Technician 8 $52,174.88 $0.00 $2,051.38 $54,226.25 $20,508.38 $74,734.62
Senior Accountant 8 $68,487.88 $342.25 $5,379.88 $74,210.00 $23,558.75 $97,768.75
SFP-Program Office Assistant 9 $33,316.67 $356.22 $497.78 $34,170.67 $12,865.89 $47,036.56
Assistant Bookstore Manager 9 $57,600.22 $4,289.11 $7,852.89 $69,742.22 $26,761.00 $96,503.22
Instructional Assistant - Language Arts 9 $57,479.67 $0.00 $2,069.67 $59,549.33 $19,196.44 $78,745.78
Phys Educa/Athletics Facil Asst(M) 9 $37,964.89 $836.89 $1,478.78 $40,280.56 $19,966.44 $60,247.00
Professional Expert 9 $28,256.22 $0.00 $1,111.11 $29,367.33 $1,792.56 $31,159.89
Programmer Analyst 9 $77,094.33 $0.00 $1,225.89 $78,320.22 $21,244.44 $99,564.67

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.