Job title summary for San Jose

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Park Ranger 11 $55,765.61 $884.45 $2,081.10 $58,731.17 $37,584.19 $96,315.35
Darkroom Technician 1 $51,532.00 $0.00 $6,275.57 $57,807.57 $38,335.01 $96,142.58
Exhibit Designer/Builder 1 $65,416.80 $0.00 $1,250.83 $66,667.63 $28,612.16 $95,279.79
Therapeutic Specialist 9 $57,301.31 $0.00 $2,988.74 $60,290.05 $34,689.15 $94,979.20
Office Specialist II C 2 $49,358.40 $192.64 $486.30 $50,037.34 $44,722.88 $94,760.22
Senr Warehouse Worker 4 $53,110.60 $2,501.80 $3,713.32 $59,325.72 $35,129.86 $94,455.58
Groundsworker 23 $49,707.65 $4,028.86 $2,157.45 $55,893.96 $37,506.66 $93,400.62
Warehouse Worker II 6 $50,972.64 $298.98 $592.28 $51,863.90 $41,363.64 $93,227.54
Senr Zoo Keeper 1 $45,491.20 $1,656.99 $692.76 $47,840.95 $45,238.77 $93,079.72
Staff Technician PT 1 $50,746.80 $0.00 $0.00 $50,746.80 $41,628.29 $92,375.09
Community Service Officer I 4 $66,198.49 $4,038.48 $3,843.62 $74,080.58 $17,980.72 $92,061.31
Parking & Traffic Ctrl Officer 32 $47,413.20 $3,197.26 $2,970.94 $53,581.40 $38,310.08 $91,891.48
Buyer II 2 $68,809.04 $3,187.10 $1,393.43 $73,389.56 $17,909.32 $91,298.88
Community Service Officer II 24 $61,248.49 $3,816.55 $3,258.88 $68,323.91 $22,839.12 $91,163.04
Engineer I 3 $66,897.55 $0.00 $2,980.16 $69,877.71 $20,978.04 $90,855.75
Investigator Collector I 2 $57,849.34 $42.62 $573.66 $58,465.62 $32,193.86 $90,659.47
Transportation Specialist 1 $70,122.88 $0.00 $6,980.84 $77,103.72 $13,398.56 $90,502.28
Laboratory Tech II 6 $59,452.40 $901.28 $2,028.17 $62,381.85 $27,977.68 $90,359.53
Food & Bev Services Supervisor 1 $71,525.60 $1,722.00 $716.35 $73,963.95 $16,056.57 $90,020.52
Account Clerk II 10 $47,994.40 $173.63 $1,290.82 $49,458.86 $40,175.98 $89,634.84
Animal Services Officer 11 $49,986.13 $3,786.45 $3,557.48 $57,330.06 $32,263.09 $89,593.15
Planner I 4 $62,259.40 $517.91 $3,998.45 $66,775.77 $22,805.75 $89,581.52
Messenger Clerk 1 $44,480.80 $0.00 $438.26 $44,919.06 $44,518.85 $89,437.91
Volunteer Coordinator (FT) 2 $50,277.56 $373.80 $1,830.07 $52,481.44 $36,243.16 $88,724.60
Exec Analyst I U 4 $70,408.89 $0.00 $2,025.03 $72,433.92 $16,099.64 $88,533.56
Office Specialist II 44 $47,406.44 $860.40 $1,524.32 $49,791.16 $38,334.00 $88,125.16
Police Property Spec I 10 $48,167.28 $7,522.30 $3,036.42 $58,726.00 $29,265.78 $87,991.78
Senr Recr Leader 5 $47,497.44 $280.40 $1,649.29 $49,427.12 $37,445.07 $86,872.19
Animal Health Technician 5 $46,239.97 $3,040.43 $1,946.06 $51,226.46 $34,378.76 $85,605.22
Wastewater Attendant 7 $54,612.34 $1,905.39 $1,811.53 $58,329.27 $27,270.29 $85,599.55
Structure/Landscape Design I 1 $66,012.72 $0.00 $654.58 $66,667.30 $18,562.15 $85,229.45
Planning Technician 3 $55,012.05 $132.55 $771.68 $55,916.28 $29,154.86 $85,071.14
Engineering Technician II 10 $54,964.65 $897.84 $2,316.78 $58,179.27 $25,656.86 $83,836.13
Council ComnRel Coordinator U 4 $52,644.68 $0.00 $421.74 $53,066.42 $30,660.43 $83,726.85
Library Clerk 29 $46,820.06 $88.21 $1,568.13 $48,476.40 $34,991.75 $83,468.14
Librarian I 1 $64,159.20 $0.00 $6,525.86 $70,685.06 $12,075.15 $82,760.21
Animal Care Attendant 6 $42,220.75 $1,545.76 $1,526.55 $45,293.06 $35,968.29 $81,261.36
Systems Apps Progmr I 1 $61,010.00 $0.00 $6,888.70 $67,898.70 $11,587.06 $79,485.76
Council Policy &Legi Advisor U 2 $50,396.29 $0.00 $519.96 $50,916.25 $27,433.32 $78,349.57
Water Meter Reader 2 $48,534.40 $2,522.14 $739.57 $51,796.10 $26,256.54 $78,052.64
School Safety Supervisor 3 $49,888.00 $1,201.86 $3,277.86 $54,367.72 $22,907.45 $77,275.17
Security Officer PT 1 $44,146.47 $0.00 $249.84 $44,396.31 $32,236.30 $76,632.61
Assist Envir Serv Spec 1 $58,081.07 $3.78 $587.39 $58,672.24 $17,198.31 $75,870.55
Program Perf Auditor I U 1 $64,032.49 $0.00 $630.03 $64,662.52 $8,804.95 $73,467.47
Youth Outreach Worker I (FT) 10 $40,590.48 $22.71 $766.28 $41,379.46 $31,622.42 $73,001.89
Secretary C 1 $55,170.40 $0.00 $549.12 $55,719.52 $16,580.17 $72,299.69
Librarian I PT 1 $55,025.46 $0.00 $1,428.60 $56,454.06 $14,497.06 $70,951.12
Police Data Spec I 1 $52,555.25 $11.59 $2,675.46 $55,242.30 $15,673.58 $70,915.88
Community Activity Wkr FT 2 $41,642.00 $113.52 $3,718.78 $45,474.29 $25,388.79 $70,863.08
Laboratory Tech I 3 $51,088.88 $524.37 $2,253.83 $53,867.08 $16,832.18 $70,699.26

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.