Job title | Count | Avg Regular pay | Avg Overtime pay | Avg Other pay | Avg Total pay | Avg Benefits | Avg Total pay & benefits |
Superintendent | 1 | $351,858.00 | $0.00 | $61,973.00 | $413,831.00 | $67,532.00 | $481,363.00 |
Assistant Supt/Cfo (Cl) | 1 | $261,626.00 | $0.00 | $22,774.00 | $284,400.00 | $72,948.00 | $357,348.00 |
Assistant Superintendent (Cl) | 1 | $261,626.00 | $0.00 | $17,713.00 | $279,339.00 | $71,649.00 | $350,988.00 |
Assistant Superintendent | 2 | $281,676.00 | $0.00 | $2,723.00 | $284,399.00 | $54,025.00 | $338,424.00 |
Executive Director: Speced(Ce) | 1 | $233,774.00 | $0.00 | $3,330.00 | $237,104.00 | $44,837.00 | $281,941.00 |
Executive Director (Cl) | 1 | $213,723.00 | $0.00 | $22,311.00 | $236,034.00 | $39,851.00 | $275,885.00 |
Executive Director (Ce) | 3 | $213,368.33 | $0.00 | $3,125.33 | $216,493.67 | $40,923.00 | $257,416.67 |
Director Iv (Cl) | 2 | $172,233.00 | $0.00 | $24,497.00 | $196,730.00 | $50,186.00 | $246,916.00 |
Director: Secondary Iva | 1 | $200,819.00 | $0.00 | $3,011.00 | $203,830.00 | $38,517.00 | $242,347.00 |
Director V (Ce) | 3 | $197,579.00 | $0.00 | $2,967.00 | $200,546.00 | $37,894.00 | $238,440.00 |
Director Iv (Ce) | 3 | $182,595.33 | $0.00 | $3,975.33 | $186,570.67 | $35,247.33 | $221,818.00 |
Summer Sch Assistant Prin 9-12 | 2 | $170,482.50 | $0.00 | $10,494.50 | $180,977.00 | $34,263.00 | $215,240.00 |
Coordinator Iv (Cl) | 3 | $157,608.67 | $0.00 | $11,351.00 | $168,959.67 | $42,698.33 | $211,658.00 |
Director V (Cl) | 3 | $152,780.67 | $0.00 | $16,626.00 | $169,406.67 | $40,234.67 | $209,641.33 |
Principal | 38 | $172,046.24 | $0.00 | $3,845.61 | $175,891.84 | $33,577.74 | $209,469.58 |
Coordinator Ii Pio | 1 | $149,940.00 | $0.00 | $12,642.00 | $162,582.00 | $41,427.00 | $204,009.00 |
Supv: Const Services | 1 | $150,181.00 | $2,323.00 | $10,103.00 | $162,607.00 | $41,081.00 | $203,688.00 |
Director Iii (Ce) | 10 | $167,998.30 | $0.00 | $3,353.60 | $171,351.90 | $32,293.10 | $203,645.00 |
Assistant Director (Cl) | 2 | $141,291.00 | $0.00 | $16,549.00 | $157,840.00 | $40,485.50 | $198,325.50 |
Supv: Const Projects | 1 | $139,458.00 | $9,354.00 | $10,216.00 | $159,028.00 | $38,252.00 | $197,280.00 |
Supv: Facilities Planning | 1 | $123,261.00 | $26,614.00 | $12,833.00 | $162,708.00 | $34,425.00 | $197,133.00 |
Supv Ii: Human Resources | 1 | $140,196.00 | $2,809.00 | $12,973.00 | $155,978.00 | $39,275.00 | $195,253.00 |
Building Inspector - Class I | 1 | $132,099.00 | $13,464.00 | $9,333.00 | $154,896.00 | $36,127.00 | $191,023.00 |
Coordinator Iv | 30 | $156,474.10 | $0.00 | $2,868.93 | $159,343.03 | $30,061.33 | $189,404.37 |
Supv Ii: Payroll | 1 | $136,019.00 | $4,933.00 | $8,435.00 | $149,387.00 | $37,039.00 | $186,426.00 |
Specialist Iv: Systems Admin | 1 | $132,099.00 | $14,898.00 | $2,635.00 | $149,632.00 | $34,527.00 | $184,159.00 |
Assistant Principal | 30 | $148,538.30 | $0.00 | $4,666.67 | $153,204.97 | $28,972.20 | $182,177.17 |
Prog Specialist | 4 | $150,344.00 | $0.00 | $2,573.00 | $152,917.00 | $28,805.75 | $181,722.75 |
Supv: Facilities/Construction | 1 | $139,458.00 | $1,263.00 | $1,956.00 | $142,677.00 | $36,271.00 | $178,948.00 |
Specialist Iv: Network | 1 | $132,099.00 | $6,234.00 | $4,310.00 | $142,643.00 | $34,960.00 | $177,603.00 |
Analyst Ii: It State Reporting | 1 | $125,733.00 | $4,974.00 | $8,979.00 | $139,686.00 | $34,478.00 | $174,164.00 |
Pe: Girls | 1 | $143,495.00 | $0.00 | $2,584.00 | $146,079.00 | $27,749.00 | $173,828.00 |
Supv: Mental Wellness Spec | 2 | $134,739.50 | $1,209.50 | $2,191.00 | $138,140.00 | $35,134.00 | $173,274.00 |
Specialist Iii: Network | 1 | $125,733.00 | $1,673.00 | $8,785.00 | $136,191.00 | $34,478.00 | $170,669.00 |
Eng: Sheltered | 1 | $131,010.00 | $0.00 | $11,154.00 | $142,164.00 | $27,008.00 | $169,172.00 |
Pe: Boys | 2 | $138,995.00 | $0.00 | $2,952.00 | $141,947.00 | $26,965.00 | $168,912.00 |
Adm Transportation | 1 | $120,590.00 | $0.00 | $12,001.00 | $132,591.00 | $33,826.00 | $166,417.00 |
Leadership | 1 | $130,310.00 | $0.00 | $9,299.00 | $139,609.00 | $26,530.00 | $166,139.00 |
Music: Chorus | 1 | $128,022.00 | $0.00 | $10,769.00 | $138,791.00 | $26,374.00 | $165,165.00 |
Humanities: Eng/Socsci | 1 | $135,840.00 | $0.00 | $2,191.00 | $138,031.00 | $26,220.00 | $164,251.00 |
Supv: Security | 1 | $106,287.00 | $16,694.00 | $11,217.00 | $134,198.00 | $29,825.00 | $164,023.00 |
Psychologist | 52 | $133,444.52 | $0.00 | $3,744.63 | $137,189.15 | $26,084.67 | $163,273.83 |
Analyst Ii: Systems Integr | 1 | $117,215.00 | $339.00 | $8,605.00 | $126,159.00 | $32,288.00 | $158,447.00 |
Analyst Iii: Programmer | 2 | $116,991.00 | $9,540.00 | $1,119.00 | $127,650.00 | $30,319.00 | $157,969.00 |
Posa | 4 | $125,840.00 | $0.00 | $7,016.75 | $132,856.75 | $25,100.50 | $157,957.25 |
Specialist Ii: Network | 1 | $111,119.00 | $2,985.00 | $9,752.00 | $123,856.00 | $30,953.00 | $154,809.00 |
4-5 Combo: Montessori | 1 | $128,022.00 | $0.00 | $1,789.00 | $129,811.00 | $24,658.00 | $154,469.00 |
Facilities Planner | 1 | $119,660.00 | $0.00 | $2,691.00 | $122,351.00 | $31,383.00 | $153,734.00 |
Supv I: Technology Support | 1 | $118,427.00 | $0.00 | $3,535.00 | $121,962.00 | $31,306.00 | $153,268.00 |
Sci: Coord | 3 | $125,853.33 | $0.00 | $2,657.00 | $128,510.33 | $24,412.00 | $152,922.33 |
Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.