Sponsor an Agency

Sponsoring an agency helps us fund the collection process and tells us which agencies are the most important to those who use our data. Sponsored agencies are first in the data collection process, sponsors are notified by email to know immediately when new data for their agency is posted to the database.

Your sponsorship donation helps support our work of making California governments more transparent and accountable to the people they exist to serve.

Opportunities for Learning - Duarte



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Transparent California is a project of the Nevada Policy Research Institute — a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to providing free-market solutions to state and local problems. Donations are tax-exempt and tax-deductible. Those wishing to donate via mail can do so by sending a check made payable to “Transparent California” at 7130 Placid St. Las Vegas, NV 89119. If you are having trouble donating or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.