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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
David Lane |
City Manager Blythe, 2011 |
$174,982.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $174,982.00 | $57,408.00 | $232,390.00 |
Steve Smith |
Police Chief Blythe, 2011 |
$109,212.00 | $0.00 | $8,270.00 | $117,482.00 | $65,965.00 | $183,447.00 |
James Gray |
Police Lieutenant Blythe, 2011 |
$98,744.00 | $0.00 | $21,147.00 | $119,891.00 | $56,539.00 | $176,430.00 |
Robert Mathews |
Police Sergeant Blythe, 2011 |
$87,260.00 | $6,965.00 | $14,645.00 | $108,870.00 | $60,314.00 | $169,184.00 |
Jeffrey Wade |
Police Sergeant Blythe, 2011 |
$83,841.00 | $10,661.00 | $15,158.00 | $109,660.00 | $56,746.00 | $166,406.00 |
Thomas Morrison |
Police Sergeant Blythe, 2011 |
$82,080.00 | $7,675.00 | $8,845.00 | $98,600.00 | $51,406.00 | $150,006.00 |
Helen Colbert |
Director Of Finance Blythe, 2011 |
$100,708.00 | $0.00 | $7,330.00 | $108,038.00 | $41,230.00 | $149,268.00 |
Troy Fabanich |
Police Corporal/Traffic Blythe, 2011 |
$74,364.00 | $13,174.00 | $9,894.00 | $97,432.00 | $50,746.00 | $148,178.00 |
James Rodkey |
Public Works Director Blythe, 2011 |
$100,518.00 | $0.00 | $5,200.00 | $105,718.00 | $41,296.00 | $147,014.00 |
Robert Dubie |
Police Corporal Blythe, 2011 |
$74,363.00 | $9,562.00 | $15,117.00 | $99,042.00 | $45,047.00 | $144,089.00 |
Joshua Coe |
Police Sergeant Blythe, 2011 |
$69,402.00 | $9,103.00 | $10,077.00 | $88,582.00 | $51,659.00 | $140,241.00 |
Heriberto Cavazos |
Police Corporal Blythe, 2011 |
$74,032.00 | $15,754.00 | $11,605.00 | $101,391.00 | $37,089.00 | $138,480.00 |
Kevin Nelson |
Asst Public Works Director Blythe, 2011 |
$93,517.00 | $0.00 | $6,158.00 | $99,675.00 | $36,871.00 | $136,546.00 |
Terry Reynolds |
Police Corporal Blythe, 2011 |
$68,329.00 | $8,630.00 | $7,972.00 | $84,931.00 | $49,858.00 | $134,789.00 |
Timothy Cornwell |
Police Officer Blythe, 2011 |
$56,217.00 | $10,301.00 | $12,275.00 | $78,793.00 | $45,481.00 | $124,274.00 |
Walter Gutierrez |
Police Officer Blythe, 2011 |
$59,734.00 | $10,524.00 | $8,399.00 | $78,657.00 | $44,650.00 | $123,307.00 |
Scott Adams |
Police Officer Blythe, 2011 |
$60,022.00 | $16,237.00 | $6,056.00 | $82,315.00 | $39,569.00 | $121,884.00 |
Leann Martin |
Deputy Director Of Finance Blythe, 2011 |
$89,959.00 | $0.00 | $5,281.00 | $95,240.00 | $24,916.00 | $120,156.00 |
Daniel Garnica |
Building Inspector III Blythe, 2011 |
$74,776.00 | $0.00 | $10,723.00 | $85,499.00 | $32,069.00 | $117,568.00 |
Phillip Hamblen |
Equipment Shop Manager Blythe, 2011 |
$77,426.00 | $0.00 | $7,477.00 | $84,903.00 | $31,283.00 | $116,186.00 |
Keith Walnoha |
Police Officer Blythe, 2011 |
$54,293.00 | $8,098.00 | $5,478.00 | $67,869.00 | $41,152.00 | $109,021.00 |
Joseph Ley |
Police Officer Blythe, 2011 |
$51,732.00 | $16,496.00 | $5,313.00 | $73,541.00 | $34,301.00 | $107,842.00 |
Sean Burt |
Police Officer Blythe, 2011 |
$53,327.00 | $11,080.00 | $5,344.00 | $69,751.00 | $36,219.00 | $105,970.00 |
Robert Jakobsen |
Police Officer Blythe, 2011 |
$52,780.00 | $10,570.00 | $5,334.00 | $68,684.00 | $37,225.00 | $105,909.00 |
Servando Iniguez |
Police Corporal Blythe, 2011 |
$53,460.00 | $10,173.00 | $7,950.00 | $71,583.00 | $33,109.00 | $104,692.00 |
Emmanuel Gandara |
Police Officer Blythe, 2011 |
$55,207.00 | $6,332.00 | $7,963.00 | $69,502.00 | $34,590.00 | $104,092.00 |
Corey Ploesch |
Police Officer Blythe, 2011 |
$55,882.00 | $6,672.00 | $5,799.00 | $68,353.00 | $33,753.00 | $102,106.00 |
Allen Hightower |
Purch Warehousman/Safety Offcr Blythe, 2011 |
$61,712.00 | $0.00 | $4,682.00 | $66,394.00 | $27,530.00 | $93,924.00 |
Mark Naduea |
Chief Water Treatment Operator Blythe, 2011 |
$59,982.00 | $0.00 | $8,208.00 | $68,190.00 | $25,652.00 | $93,842.00 |
Thomas Ecret |
Chief Wwtp Operator Gr 3/Gr 2 Blythe, 2011 |
$62,772.00 | $0.00 | $3,554.00 | $66,326.00 | $26,513.00 | $92,839.00 |
Christa Elms |
Administrative Assistant Blythe, 2011 |
$56,255.00 | $0.00 | $3,003.00 | $59,258.00 | $25,843.00 | $85,101.00 |
Valerie Hudson |
Forensic Technician Blythe, 2011 |
$51,436.00 | $1,702.00 | $8,329.00 | $61,467.00 | $22,859.00 | $84,326.00 |
Victor Mendoza |
Police Records Clk/Dispatcher Blythe, 2011 |
$46,486.00 | $1,179.00 | $10,482.00 | $58,147.00 | $24,919.00 | $83,066.00 |
Steve Demeyer |
Equipment Mechanic Blythe, 2011 |
$50,806.00 | $75.00 | $3,185.00 | $54,066.00 | $26,691.00 | $80,757.00 |
Pamela Bush |
Police Records Clk/Dispatch II Blythe, 2011 |
$48,899.00 | $473.00 | $6,101.00 | $55,473.00 | $25,010.00 | $80,483.00 |
Barbara Burrow |
Planner Blythe, 2011 |
$50,855.00 | $0.00 | $4,764.00 | $55,619.00 | $23,731.00 | $79,350.00 |
Michelle Van Dyke |
Permit Technician Blythe, 2011 |
$51,064.00 | $0.00 | $2,600.00 | $53,664.00 | $25,137.00 | $78,801.00 |
Mallory Sutterfield |
Administrative Assistant Blythe, 2011 |
$55,527.00 | $0.00 | $3,297.00 | $58,824.00 | $19,508.00 | $78,332.00 |
Richard Crabb |
Police Records/Clk/Dispatch II Blythe, 2011 |
$48,898.00 | $291.00 | $6,101.00 | $55,290.00 | $19,391.00 | $74,681.00 |
Robert Hoel |
Lead Water/Sewer Worker Blythe, 2011 |
$49,244.00 | $1,901.00 | $2,860.00 | $54,005.00 | $19,477.00 | $73,482.00 |
Dino Navarro |
Gardner Blythe, 2011 |
$41,428.00 | $1,546.00 | $5,421.00 | $48,395.00 | $24,510.00 | $72,905.00 |
John Bush |
Animal Control Officer Blythe, 2011 |
$52,539.00 | $878.00 | $5,375.00 | $58,792.00 | $13,482.00 | $72,274.00 |
Darrell Covel |
Chief Bldg Inspctr/Fire Marshl Blythe, 2011 |
$46,229.00 | $0.00 | $6,513.00 | $52,742.00 | $19,516.00 | $72,258.00 |
Kelly Thomas |
Economic Development Specialis Blythe, 2011 |
$45,457.00 | $0.00 | $1,950.00 | $47,407.00 | $23,740.00 | $71,147.00 |
Tacy Copple |
Dept Asst I (Rec/Fire/Golf) Blythe, 2011 |
$42,680.00 | $0.00 | $3,088.00 | $45,768.00 | $23,379.00 | $69,147.00 |
Joshua Elms |
Water Service Worker I Blythe, 2011 |
$40,726.00 | $3,818.00 | $1,235.00 | $45,779.00 | $23,346.00 | $69,125.00 |
Thelma Barcenas |
Dept. Asst. Ii (Accts Payable) Blythe, 2011 |
$43,874.00 | $0.00 | $975.00 | $44,849.00 | $23,971.00 | $68,820.00 |
Roberto Flores |
Vector Control Technician Blythe, 2011 |
$37,572.00 | $2,267.00 | $3,977.00 | $43,816.00 | $24,734.00 | $68,550.00 |
Steven Foley |
Water Trmnt Operator Grd 2 Blythe, 2011 |
$41,280.00 | $1,831.00 | $1,173.00 | $44,284.00 | $22,292.00 | $66,576.00 |
Stephen Sutterfield |
Wwtp Operator Grade 1 Blythe, 2011 |
$41,054.00 | $927.00 | $335.00 | $42,316.00 | $23,436.00 | $65,752.00 |