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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
James Keene |
City Manager Palo Alto, 2012 |
$241,374.40 | $0.00 | $18,155.32 | $259,529.72 | $122,207.69 | $381,737.41 |
John Parks |
Fire Inspector EMT Palo Alto, 2012 |
$115,400.00 | $150,125.56 | $12,203.40 | $277,728.96 | $62,837.42 | $340,566.38 |
Molly Stump |
City Attorney Palo Alto, 2012 |
$209,578.40 | $0.00 | $11,914.40 | $221,492.80 | $95,079.19 | $316,571.99 |
Robert Beacom |
Police Captain-Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$194,524.76 | $0.00 | $22,556.23 | $217,080.99 | $89,655.91 | $306,736.90 |
Dennis Burns |
Police Chief-Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$199,985.60 | $0.00 | $23,019.11 | $223,004.71 | $77,607.26 | $300,611.97 |
Valerie Fong |
Dir Utilities Palo Alto, 2012 |
$208,280.80 | $0.00 | $6,018.66 | $214,299.46 | $83,993.41 | $298,292.87 |
Everardo Perez |
Dir Adm Svcs / Chief Fina Palo Alto, 2012 |
$195,976.54 | $0.00 | $21,045.20 | $217,021.74 | $77,502.74 | $294,524.48 |
Pamela Antil |
Asst City Mgr / Chief Ope Palo Alto, 2012 |
$200,582.40 | $0.00 | $20,057.24 | $220,639.64 | $67,508.81 | $288,148.45 |
Ron Watson |
Police Captain-Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$178,963.08 | $0.00 | $15,152.80 | $194,115.88 | $91,946.09 | $286,061.97 |
Joseph Ottolini |
Fire Inspector EMT Palo Alto, 2012 |
$120,916.80 | $91,703.24 | $1,721.88 | $214,341.92 | $63,770.45 | $278,112.37 |
Stephen Emslie |
Deputy City Mgr Spec Proj Palo Alto, 2012 |
$190,706.40 | $0.00 | $18,501.60 | $209,208.00 | $68,139.79 | $277,347.79 |
Ryan Stoddard |
Fire Captain EMT Palo Alto, 2012 |
$109,869.78 | $109,372.98 | $5,640.64 | $224,883.40 | $49,176.21 | $274,059.61 |
Adrienne Moore |
Police Agent/Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$118,050.01 | $82,088.89 | $14,238.36 | $214,377.26 | $57,216.84 | $271,594.10 |
Jonathan Reichental |
Dir IT / Chief Informatio Palo Alto, 2012 |
$180,931.20 | $0.00 | $31,012.99 | $211,944.19 | $59,227.72 | $271,171.91 |
Zachary Perron |
Police Lieut-Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$162,024.16 | $0.00 | $20,393.36 | $182,417.52 | $84,872.40 | $267,289.92 |
Curtis Williams |
Dir Plan/Comm Envir Palo Alto, 2012 |
$180,055.20 | $0.00 | $18,204.00 | $198,259.20 | $67,449.82 | $265,709.02 |
April Wagner |
Police Lieut-Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$162,924.79 | $0.00 | $16,873.59 | $179,798.38 | $84,906.69 | $264,705.07 |
Patricia Lum |
Police Lieut-Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$152,916.67 | $1,234.55 | $18,723.42 | $172,874.64 | $87,646.39 | $260,521.03 |
Mark Shah |
Fire Cap Haz Mat EMT Palo Alto, 2012 |
$109,869.77 | $87,208.53 | $5,640.64 | $202,718.94 | $56,942.06 | $259,661.00 |
Curtiss Jackson |
Police Sgt/Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$130,004.58 | $14,819.60 | $43,783.97 | $188,608.15 | $70,850.74 | $259,458.89 |
Robert Bonilla |
Police Lieut-Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$160,955.20 | $0.00 | $11,049.92 | $172,005.12 | $87,020.64 | $259,025.76 |
James Sartor |
Dir Pw/City Engr Palo Alto, 2012 |
$174,709.48 | $0.00 | $14,531.86 | $189,241.34 | $68,784.76 | $258,026.10 |
John Dean |
Fire Captain EMT Palo Alto, 2012 |
$117,084.00 | $74,875.96 | $2,820.32 | $194,780.28 | $61,085.11 | $255,865.39 |
Duane Tannock |
Police Sgt/Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$130,687.46 | $20,744.45 | $30,249.38 | $181,681.29 | $72,703.65 | $254,384.94 |
Gregory Betts |
Dir Comm Svcs Palo Alto, 2012 |
$175,224.80 | $0.00 | $28,122.42 | $203,347.22 | $50,372.63 | $253,719.85 |
Wayne Benitez |
Police Sgt/Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$132,215.07 | $286.17 | $48,478.14 | $180,979.38 | $70,700.58 | $251,679.96 |
David Flohr |
Police Lieut-Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$152,997.67 | $2,942.84 | $8,068.19 | $164,008.70 | $87,160.84 | $251,169.54 |
Geoffrey Blackshire |
Deputy Fire Chief Palo Alto, 2012 |
$165,394.79 | $0.00 | $12,610.38 | $178,005.17 | $72,384.99 | $250,390.16 |
Ken Kratt |
Police Sgt/Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$132,004.69 | $24,889.13 | $19,117.77 | $176,011.59 | $71,903.63 | $247,915.22 |
Bobby Davis |
Fire Captain EMT Palo Alto, 2012 |
$109,869.76 | $72,175.54 | $5,640.64 | $187,685.94 | $59,857.61 | $247,543.55 |
Grant Kolling |
Sr Asst City Atty Palo Alto, 2012 |
$164,054.41 | $0.00 | $15,580.79 | $179,635.20 | $67,603.52 | $247,238.72 |
James Pelletier |
City Auditor Palo Alto, 2012 |
$148,200.00 | $0.00 | $24,059.38 | $172,259.38 | $72,527.91 | $244,787.29 |
Jane Ratchye |
Asst Dir Ut/Res Mgmt Palo Alto, 2012 |
$161,616.00 | $0.00 | $13,475.61 | $175,091.61 | $68,340.96 | $243,432.57 |
Niles Broussard |
Battalion Chief - Shift/E Palo Alto, 2012 |
$149,269.12 | $0.00 | $15,224.42 | $164,493.54 | $77,567.61 | $242,061.15 |
William Woodard |
Battalion Chief - Shift/E Palo Alto, 2012 |
$153,502.72 | $0.00 | $14,999.65 | $168,502.37 | $73,509.96 | $242,012.33 |
Salvador Madrigal |
Police Sgt/Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$135,947.14 | $7,925.66 | $22,772.17 | $166,644.97 | $74,504.38 | $241,149.35 |
Monique Ziesenhenne |
Dir Libraries Palo Alto, 2012 |
$165,854.40 | $0.00 | $7,464.24 | $173,318.64 | $67,550.68 | $240,869.32 |
William Dale |
Fire Captain EMT Palo Alto, 2012 |
$109,871.68 | $62,605.41 | $8,687.90 | $181,164.99 | $59,528.34 | $240,693.33 |
Sandra Blanch |
Assistant Director Human Palo Alto, 2012 |
$160,819.20 | $0.00 | $6,915.07 | $167,734.27 | $70,337.84 | $238,072.11 |
Cara Silver |
Sr Asst City Atty Palo Alto, 2012 |
$158,426.40 | $0.00 | $8,558.40 | $166,984.80 | $69,638.34 | $236,623.14 |
Tomm Marshall |
Assistant Director Utilit Palo Alto, 2012 |
$165,137.32 | $0.00 | $3,463.33 | $168,600.65 | $67,884.19 | $236,484.84 |
Carter French Jr |
Fire Captain EMT Palo Alto, 2012 |
$110,439.03 | $62,759.92 | $5,640.64 | $178,839.59 | $56,888.75 | $235,728.34 |
Chong In Lee |
Police Agent/Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$120,290.97 | $34,456.58 | $9,407.30 | $164,154.85 | $70,378.80 | $234,533.65 |
Charles Cullen |
Deputy Director Technical Palo Alto, 2012 |
$148,679.20 | $0.00 | $18,245.80 | $166,925.00 | $66,684.61 | $233,609.61 |
Scott Savage |
Police Sgt/Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$133,553.11 | $7,866.62 | $21,528.31 | $162,948.04 | $70,067.10 | $233,015.14 |
Dean Batchelor |
Assistant Director Utilit Palo Alto, 2012 |
$161,616.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $161,616.00 | $70,668.08 | $232,284.08 |
Joseph Saccio |
Asst Director Adm Svcs Palo Alto, 2012 |
$153,784.80 | $0.00 | $23,456.26 | $177,241.06 | $54,969.87 | $232,210.93 |
Mark Vonappen |
Fire Captain EMT Palo Alto, 2012 |
$110,322.52 | $58,480.84 | $5,640.64 | $174,444.00 | $56,943.18 | $231,387.18 |
James Reifschneider |
Police Sgt/Adv Palo Alto, 2012 |
$130,888.80 | $15,093.72 | $10,782.81 | $156,765.33 | $74,400.60 | $231,165.93 |
Edward Aguilar |
Hazmat Inspector Palo Alto, 2012 |
$108,818.96 | $68,593.88 | $2,833.50 | $180,246.34 | $50,266.31 | $230,512.65 |