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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
Willian Rawlings |
City Manager Artesia, 2013 |
$109,884.63 | $0.00 | $5,000.00 | $114,884.63 | $25,302.40 | $140,187.03 |
Okina Dor |
Planning Director Artesia, 2013 |
$79,076.88 | $0.00 | $6,153.60 | $85,230.48 | $24,574.54 | $109,805.02 |
Justine Menzel |
Deputy City Manager/Finance Artesia, 2013 |
$79,274.16 | $0.00 | $6,169.60 | $85,443.76 | $23,844.08 | $109,287.84 |
Gloria Considine |
City Clerk Artesia, 2013 |
$74,134.68 | $0.00 | $7,569.60 | $81,704.28 | $23,586.50 | $105,290.78 |
Andrew Perry |
Administrative Analyst Artesia, 2013 |
$59,360.62 | $4,233.11 | $3,406.66 | $67,000.39 | $21,891.89 | $88,892.28 |
Melissa Gobas |
Parks & Recreation Superintendent Artesia, 2013 |
$61,772.00 | $0.00 | $4,809.60 | $66,581.60 | $21,639.39 | $88,220.99 |
Rudy Gonzalez |
Public Works Superintendent Artesia, 2013 |
$61,794.26 | $608.72 | $2,404.80 | $64,807.78 | $20,863.56 | $85,671.34 |
Marivic Nazario |
Management Analyst Artesia, 2013 |
$61,794.26 | $0.00 | $3,847.68 | $65,641.94 | $15,636.36 | $81,278.30 |
Pradeepkumar Elayath |
Administrative Service Manager Artesia, 2013 |
$61,772.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $61,772.00 | $16,247.07 | $78,019.07 |
Glenn Newbrander |
Maintenance Specialist II Artesia, 2013 |
$48,703.78 | $4,139.86 | $4,453.72 | $57,297.36 | $15,470.86 | $72,768.22 |
Jose Hernandez |
Assitant Planner Artesia, 2013 |
$53,906.50 | $0.00 | $2,097.60 | $56,004.10 | $15,604.64 | $71,608.74 |
Ernesto Olivares |
Maintenance Specialist I Artesia, 2013 |
$44,652.64 | $3,313.33 | $4,741.00 | $52,706.97 | $18,798.81 | $71,505.78 |
Hugo Gamez |
Maintenance Specialist I Artesia, 2013 |
$44,307.84 | $2,586.02 | $6,206.40 | $53,100.26 | $17,096.99 | $70,197.25 |
Jose Martinez |
Recreation Coordinator Artesia, 2013 |
$45,344.94 | $330.75 | $3,528.00 | $49,203.69 | $19,431.72 | $68,635.41 |
Jaime Navarro |
Recreation Coordinator Artesia, 2013 |
$45,344.94 | $529.21 | $3,528.00 | $49,402.15 | $18,479.16 | $67,881.31 |
Richard Cano |
Maintenance Worker II Artesia, 2013 |
$42,226.58 | $2,332.46 | $4,255.68 | $48,814.72 | $17,807.60 | $66,622.32 |
Dolores Romero |
Accounting Technician II Artesia, 2013 |
$44,647.74 | $0.00 | $3,475.20 | $48,122.94 | $18,369.37 | $66,492.31 |
Tony Simoes |
Maintenance Worker II Artesia, 2013 |
$42,103.82 | $3,222.48 | $5,728.80 | $51,055.10 | $13,149.85 | $64,204.95 |
Susie Gomes |
Administrative Secretary Artesia, 2013 |
$45,344.94 | $463.05 | $0.00 | $45,807.99 | $18,031.32 | $63,839.31 |
Jose Gamez |
Maintenance Worker II Artesia, 2013 |
$42,226.58 | $2,639.36 | $4,255.68 | $49,121.62 | $13,168.88 | $62,290.50 |
Kathrin Wardle |
Accounting Technician II Artesia, 2013 |
$44,647.74 | $0.00 | $3,475.20 | $48,122.94 | $13,547.17 | $61,670.11 |
Victor Lourenco |
Maintenance Worker I Artesia, 2013 |
$37,269.60 | $3,295.08 | $1,735.68 | $42,300.36 | $11,117.17 | $53,417.53 |
Don Powel |
Interim City Manager Artesia, 2013 |
$48,497.85 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $48,497.85 | $0.00 | $48,497.85 |
Erika Gutierrez |
Planning Clerk Artesia, 2013 |
$34,470.28 | $119.49 | $1,341.60 | $35,931.37 | $11,689.07 | $47,620.44 |
Valorie Sucatre |
Office Specialist Artesia, 2013 |
$34,470.28 | $6.29 | $0.00 | $34,476.57 | $11,957.87 | $46,434.44 |
Viola Viveros |
Recreation Leader I Artesia, 2013 |
$29,699.59 | $324.45 | $0.00 | $30,024.04 | $10,944.09 | $40,968.13 |
Patty Casteneda |
P/T Recreation Leader I Artesia, 2013 |
$23,569.51 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $23,569.51 | $15,672.75 | $39,242.26 |
Miriam Medina |
Receptionist Artesia, 2013 |
$26,851.70 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $26,851.70 | $10,545.40 | $37,397.10 |
Ernestina Hurtado |
P/T Recreation Leader I Artesia, 2013 |
$23,450.54 | $173.04 | $0.00 | $23,623.58 | $12,704.61 | $36,328.19 |
Helena Medeiros |
P/T Recreation Leader I Artesia, 2013 |
$23,994.89 | $173.04 | $0.00 | $24,167.93 | $9,972.58 | $34,140.51 |
John Lyon |
Council Member Artesia, 2013 |
$4,813.00 | $0.00 | $1,800.00 | $6,613.00 | $22,433.56 | $29,046.56 |
Randy Silva |
P/T Parking Enforcement Officer Artesia, 2013 |
$17,646.03 | $173.76 | $0.00 | $17,819.79 | $0.00 | $17,819.79 |
Carlos Medina |
P/T Parking Enforcement Officer Artesia, 2013 |
$17,134.32 | $128.25 | $0.00 | $17,262.57 | $0.00 | $17,262.57 |
John Villalobos |
P/T Parking Enforcement Officer Artesia, 2013 |
$15,487.10 | $100.62 | $0.00 | $15,587.72 | $0.00 | $15,587.72 |
Sally Flowers |
Mayor Artesia, 2013 |
$4,813.00 | $0.00 | $1,800.00 | $6,613.00 | $7,666.71 | $14,279.71 |
Marcos Malvaez |
P/T Recreation Leader I Artesia, 2013 |
$12,595.89 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $12,595.89 | $1,625.61 | $14,221.50 |
Mario Cortez |
P/T Parking Enforcement Officer Artesia, 2013 |
$13,856.28 | $130.32 | $0.00 | $13,986.60 | $0.00 | $13,986.60 |
Tony Lima |
Mayor Pro-Tem Artesia, 2013 |
$4,813.00 | $0.00 | $1,800.00 | $6,613.00 | $7,326.76 | $13,939.76 |
Noriko Kikuchi |
Planning Intern Artesia, 2013 |
$10,764.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $10,764.00 | $0.00 | $10,764.00 |
Carry Ono |
P/T Recreation Aide Artesia, 2013 |
$8,485.81 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $8,485.81 | $0.00 | $8,485.81 |
Victor Manalo |
Council Member Artesia, 2013 |
$4,813.00 | $0.00 | $1,800.00 | $6,613.00 | $0.00 | $6,613.00 |
Miguel Canales |
Council Member Artesia, 2013 |
$4,813.00 | $0.00 | $1,800.00 | $6,613.00 | $0.00 | $6,613.00 |
Orlando Medina |
P/T Recreation Aide Artesia, 2013 |
$4,548.18 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $4,548.18 | $0.00 | $4,548.18 |
Imahny Walker |
P/T Recreation Aide Artesia, 2013 |
$3,513.90 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $3,513.90 | $0.00 | $3,513.90 |
Anthony Prada |
P/T Recreation Aide Artesia, 2013 |
$2,402.27 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $2,402.27 | $0.00 | $2,402.27 |