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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
Heidelberg, Martha |
Sergeant Brawley, 2013 |
$98,246.00 | $63,324.00 | $2,423.00 | $163,993.00 | $45,363.88 | $209,356.88 |
Gillmore, Mark |
Chief of Police Brawley, 2013 |
$74,648.00 | $0.00 | $56,650.00 | $131,298.00 | $34,071.97 | $165,369.97 |
Bayon Moore, Rosanna |
City Manager Brawley, 2013 |
$130,000.00 | $0.00 | $3,900.00 | $133,900.00 | $29,128.30 | $163,028.30 |
Monita, Perry |
Sergeant Brawley, 2013 |
$92,396.00 | $20,046.00 | $2,055.00 | $114,497.00 | $43,165.49 | $157,662.49 |
Houser, Brett |
Commander Brawley, 2013 |
$102,479.00 | $0.00 | $1,981.00 | $104,460.00 | $46,954.58 | $151,414.58 |
Arellano, Yazmin |
Public Works Director/City Engineer Brawley, 2013 |
$111,682.00 | $0.00 | $4,800.00 | $116,482.00 | $26,213.72 | $142,695.72 |
Caudill, Jeffrey |
Sergeant Brawley, 2013 |
$91,518.00 | $4,280.00 | $2,043.00 | $97,841.00 | $42,835.55 | $140,676.55 |
Brown, Kelly |
Sergeant Brawley, 2013 |
$78,758.00 | $14,794.00 | $5,261.00 | $98,813.00 | $38,040.49 | $136,853.49 |
Walla, Ruby |
Finance Director Brawley, 2013 |
$106,429.00 | $0.00 | $3,900.00 | $110,329.00 | $25,377.92 | $135,706.92 |
Peraza, Charles |
Fire Chief Brawley, 2013 |
$87,124.00 | $0.00 | $1,775.00 | $88,899.00 | $41,184.35 | $130,083.35 |
Blackstone, Jonathan |
Admin and Patrol Sergeant Brawley, 2013 |
$78,642.00 | $10,647.00 | $2,499.00 | $91,788.00 | $37,996.88 | $129,784.88 |
Valdez, Arnold |
Police Agent Brawley, 2013 |
$78,922.00 | $10,184.00 | $2,006.00 | $91,112.00 | $38,102.10 | $129,214.10 |
Soto, Francisco |
Chief Building Official Brawley, 2013 |
$97,433.00 | $0.00 | $3,900.00 | $101,333.00 | $22,093.56 | $123,426.56 |
Rotner, Jesse |
Police Officer Brawley, 2013 |
$71,894.00 | $12,607.00 | $1,947.00 | $86,448.00 | $35,461.05 | $121,909.05 |
Bonillas, Daniel |
Fire Captain Brawley, 2013 |
$64,207.00 | $20,923.00 | $1,752.00 | $86,882.00 | $32,572.37 | $119,454.37 |
Mireles, Ruben |
Operations Division Manager Brawley, 2013 |
$93,240.00 | $0.00 | $2,308.00 | $95,548.00 | $23,279.44 | $118,827.44 |
Mello, Marjo |
Library Director Brawley, 2013 |
$93,356.00 | $0.00 | $3,900.00 | $97,256.00 | $21,444.87 | $118,700.87 |
Davey, Richard |
Police Agent Brawley, 2013 |
$60,729.00 | $24,615.00 | $3,355.00 | $88,699.00 | $29,412.35 | $118,111.35 |
Sillas, Guillermo |
Associate Civil Engineer Brawley, 2013 |
$93,422.00 | $0.00 | $720.00 | $94,142.00 | $23,308.39 | $117,450.39 |
Holetz, David |
Police Agent Brawley, 2013 |
$70,463.00 | $11,183.00 | $234.00 | $81,880.00 | $34,923.29 | $116,803.29 |
Sandoval, John |
Firefighter Brawley, 2013 |
$66,061.00 | $13,772.00 | $2,922.00 | $82,755.00 | $33,269.06 | $116,024.06 |
Rubio, Richard |
Parks and Recreation Director Brawley, 2013 |
$89,244.00 | $0.00 | $4,044.00 | $93,288.00 | $22,643.63 | $115,931.63 |
Torres, Severo |
Police Agent Brawley, 2013 |
$68,641.00 | $15,599.00 | $1,709.00 | $85,949.00 | $29,080.60 | $115,029.60 |
York, MIchael |
Lieutenant Brawley, 2013 |
$66,611.00 | $12,441.00 | $1,167.00 | $80,219.00 | $33,475.77 | $113,694.77 |
Schleyer, Daniel |
Police Officer Brawley, 2013 |
$60,815.00 | $12,278.00 | $6,156.00 | $79,249.00 | $31,297.67 | $110,546.67 |
Swithenbank, Daniel |
Police Officer Brawley, 2013 |
$50,164.00 | $26,405.00 | $8,444.00 | $85,013.00 | $25,442.13 | $110,455.13 |
Benavides, Alma |
City Clerk/Records Administrator Brawley, 2013 |
$78,725.00 | $0.00 | $11,472.00 | $90,197.00 | $19,116.93 | $109,313.93 |
Sevilla, Oscar |
Fire Marshall Brawley, 2013 |
$63,892.00 | $10,854.00 | $1,788.00 | $76,534.00 | $32,453.97 | $108,987.97 |
Harsany, Brian |
Police Agent Brawley, 2013 |
$65,781.00 | $10,216.00 | $1,441.00 | $77,438.00 | $31,310.84 | $108,748.84 |
Gutierrez, Ricardo |
Police Agent Brawley, 2013 |
$64,268.00 | $9,638.00 | $3,682.00 | $77,588.00 | $30,742.27 | $108,330.27 |
Moreno, Sixto |
Police Agent Brawley, 2013 |
$66,184.00 | $8,626.00 | $125.00 | $74,935.00 | $33,315.29 | $108,250.29 |
Smith, Rodger |
Lieutenant Brawley, 2013 |
$62,328.00 | $10,177.00 | $3,011.00 | $75,516.00 | $31,866.24 | $107,382.24 |
Arthur, James |
Information Technology Administrator Brawley, 2013 |
$81,713.00 | $3,476.00 | $720.00 | $85,909.00 | $21,445.38 | $107,354.38 |
Gaste, Gordon |
Planning Director Brawley, 2013 |
$85,417.00 | $0.00 | $3,900.00 | $89,317.00 | $16,876.84 | $106,193.84 |
Ramirez, Rosa |
Assistant Finance Director Brawley, 2013 |
$87,614.00 | $0.00 | $720.00 | $88,334.00 | $17,226.26 | $105,560.26 |
Robles, Salvador |
Police Officer Brawley, 2013 |
$65,185.00 | $7,799.00 | $1,329.00 | $74,313.00 | $31,086.87 | $105,399.87 |
Sanchez, Luis |
Police Agent Brawley, 2013 |
$63,883.00 | $6,139.00 | $2,499.00 | $72,521.00 | $32,450.59 | $104,971.59 |
Ray, Thomas |
Police Officer Brawley, 2013 |
$65,125.00 | $7,301.00 | $1,312.00 | $73,738.00 | $31,064.32 | $104,802.32 |
Santiago, Daniel |
Police Agent Brawley, 2013 |
$68,019.00 | $6,568.00 | $1,000.00 | $75,587.00 | $28,846.86 | $104,433.86 |
Sullivan, Steve |
Associate Civil Engineer Brawley, 2013 |
$85,417.00 | $0.00 | $720.00 | $86,137.00 | $16,876.84 | $103,013.84 |
Martinez, Eloy |
Fire Captain Brawley, 2013 |
$67,213.00 | $12,839.00 | $2,561.00 | $82,613.00 | $19,138.28 | $101,751.28 |
Armstrong, Thomas |
Firefighter Brawley, 2013 |
$57,384.00 | $11,575.00 | $1,288.00 | $70,247.00 | $30,008.35 | $100,255.35 |
Dorsey, Patricia |
Recreation Supervisor Brawley, 2013 |
$80,442.00 | $0.00 | $2,520.00 | $82,962.00 | $16,085.27 | $99,047.27 |
Smith, Brian |
Police Officer Brawley, 2013 |
$59,830.00 | $4,912.00 | $2,287.00 | $67,029.00 | $30,927.52 | $97,956.52 |
Riley, Justin |
Firefighter Brawley, 2013 |
$55,093.00 | $11,952.00 | $1,516.00 | $68,561.00 | $29,147.42 | $97,708.42 |
Verdugo, Tony |
Streets & Utilities Maintenance Supervisor Brawley, 2013 |
$75,199.00 | $0.00 | $720.00 | $75,919.00 | $20,408.93 | $96,327.93 |
Sanchez, Pedro |
Equipment Maintenance Supervisor Brawley, 2013 |
$74,866.00 | $0.00 | $720.00 | $75,586.00 | $20,355.95 | $95,941.95 |
Limon, Stella |
Accountant/Utility Billing Supervisor Brawley, 2013 |
$74,866.00 | $0.00 | $720.00 | $75,586.00 | $20,355.93 | $95,941.93 |
Cortez, Paul |
Firefighter Brawley, 2013 |
$56,498.00 | $13,028.00 | $1,502.00 | $71,028.00 | $24,517.38 | $95,545.38 |
Bonillas, Shirley |
Personnel & Risk Management Administrator Brawley, 2013 |
$71,618.00 | $0.00 | $3,900.00 | $75,518.00 | $17,986.14 | $93,504.14 |