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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
Fager, Jr., Robert |
Chief Of Police Services Hawthorne, 2013 |
$203,748.00 | $0.00 | $37,584.00 | $241,332.00 | $79,476.04 | $320,808.04 |
Goodson, Michael |
City Manager Hawthorne, 2013 |
$193,660.00 | $0.00 | $35,122.00 | $228,782.00 | $53,837.29 | $282,619.29 |
Miyahira, Russell |
City Attorney Hawthorne, 2013 |
$114,591.00 | $0.00 | $124,285.00 | $238,876.00 | $35,643.30 | $274,519.30 |
Ishii, Michael |
Police Captain Hawthorne, 2013 |
$157,000.00 | $0.00 | $47,154.00 | $204,154.00 | $65,422.09 | $269,576.09 |
Royer, James |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$131,645.00 | $44,667.00 | $34,376.00 | $210,688.00 | $57,291.16 | $267,979.16 |
Kauffman, Keith |
Police Captain Hawthorne, 2013 |
$156,458.00 | $0.00 | $41,272.00 | $197,730.00 | $63,279.83 | $261,009.83 |
Tomatani, Gary |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$131,071.00 | $23,961.00 | $37,373.00 | $192,405.00 | $54,967.44 | $247,372.44 |
Goetz, Peter |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$127,639.00 | $36,280.00 | $30,489.00 | $194,408.00 | $52,722.17 | $247,130.17 |
Catano, Jr., Julian |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$146,507.00 | $21,145.00 | $18,294.00 | $185,946.00 | $52,279.00 | $238,225.00 |
Romero, Steven |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$130,320.00 | $19,294.00 | $32,949.00 | $182,563.00 | $53,592.94 | $236,155.94 |
Shadbehr, Arnold |
Chief-Gen Serv & Public Works Hawthorne, 2013 |
$175,855.00 | $0.00 | $16,364.00 | $192,219.00 | $43,838.38 | $236,057.38 |
Swain, Kenneth |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$146,514.00 | $6,083.00 | $22,790.00 | $175,387.00 | $50,661.50 | $226,048.50 |
Yoshida, Aimee |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$117,319.00 | $22,822.00 | $30,667.00 | $170,808.00 | $54,139.79 | $224,947.79 |
Komathy, Christopher |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$91,747.00 | $70,311.00 | $16,496.00 | $178,554.00 | $36,981.95 | $215,535.95 |
Romero, Joel |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$122,910.00 | $18,477.00 | $27,957.00 | $169,344.00 | $42,941.13 | $212,285.13 |
Shimono, Shawn |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$107,088.00 | $34,530.00 | $19,083.00 | $160,701.00 | $40,776.55 | $201,477.55 |
Shun, Hai-Ray |
Director Of Building & Safety Hawthorne, 2013 |
$148,116.00 | $0.00 | $15,666.00 | $163,782.00 | $36,924.54 | $200,706.54 |
Lane, Eric |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$106,185.00 | $33,953.00 | $18,742.00 | $158,880.00 | $41,180.70 | $200,060.70 |
Connor, James |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$105,999.00 | $30,681.00 | $21,763.00 | $158,443.00 | $40,425.12 | $198,868.12 |
Pournamdari, Hamid |
Director Of Housing Hawthorne, 2013 |
$145,700.00 | $0.00 | $12,563.00 | $158,263.00 | $36,121.08 | $194,384.08 |
Jimenez, Santos |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$82,381.00 | $70,077.00 | $9,218.00 | $161,676.00 | $32,635.54 | $194,311.54 |
Grajeda, Larry |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$108,456.00 | $30,318.00 | $14,246.00 | $153,020.00 | $40,607.20 | $193,627.20 |
Hardison, Mark |
Asst Dir Of Rec & Comm Svcs Hawthorne, 2013 |
$125,718.00 | $0.00 | $28,686.00 | $154,404.00 | $39,082.50 | $193,486.50 |
Levy, Robert |
Deputy City Attorney Hawthorne, 2013 |
$148,196.00 | $0.00 | $9,941.00 | $158,137.00 | $34,546.93 | $192,683.93 |
Lira, Gabriel |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$106,027.00 | $28,803.00 | $17,062.00 | $151,892.00 | $40,389.11 | $192,281.11 |
Wiley, Christopher |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$106,209.00 | $21,308.00 | $22,405.00 | $149,922.00 | $41,254.17 | $191,176.17 |
Sepulveda, Paul |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$93,658.00 | $24,242.00 | $28,983.00 | $146,883.00 | $43,853.52 | $190,736.52 |
Kusserow, Todd |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$76,580.00 | $0.00 | $82,955.00 | $159,535.00 | $30,795.08 | $190,330.08 |
Robinson, Larry |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$104,921.00 | $11,557.00 | $29,645.00 | $146,123.00 | $42,227.57 | $188,350.57 |
Port, Christopher |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$85,449.00 | $50,923.00 | $17,886.00 | $154,258.00 | $33,764.76 | $188,022.76 |
Williams, Robbie |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$119,752.00 | $7,162.00 | $16,468.00 | $143,382.00 | $43,409.84 | $186,791.84 |
Martin, Erik |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$100,162.00 | $20,570.00 | $21,165.00 | $141,897.00 | $37,853.96 | $179,750.96 |
Aderonmu, Adekunle |
City Attorney Hawthorne, 2013 |
$143,224.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $143,224.00 | $34,554.01 | $177,778.01 |
Swatik, Mark |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$31,558.00 | $0.00 | $130,571.00 | $162,129.00 | $12,482.72 | $174,611.72 |
Colquette, Stephen |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$104,323.00 | $4,646.00 | $22,643.00 | $131,612.00 | $42,824.75 | $174,436.75 |
Sanchez, Jr. Gilbert |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$105,774.00 | $12,503.00 | $17,337.00 | $135,614.00 | $34,318.07 | $169,932.07 |
Heffner, Thomas |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$82,692.00 | $40,563.00 | $11,518.00 | $134,773.00 | $32,190.39 | $166,963.39 |
Keus, Kevin |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$103,441.00 | $13,423.00 | $10,299.00 | $127,163.00 | $39,510.16 | $166,673.16 |
Cognac, Christopher |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2013 |
$106,951.00 | $4,727.00 | $13,235.00 | $124,913.00 | $41,266.49 | $166,179.49 |
Chiarello, Iva |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$102,992.00 | $7,294.00 | $16,472.00 | $126,758.00 | $38,093.61 | $164,851.61 |
Taweil, Malek |
Senior Engineer Specialist Hawthorne, 2013 |
$129,843.00 | $910.00 | $3,121.00 | $133,874.00 | $30,680.31 | $164,554.31 |
Shimkus, Michael |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$89,524.00 | $18,096.00 | $18,796.00 | $126,416.00 | $36,992.84 | $163,408.84 |
Leung, Alan |
Senior Transportation Engineer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$127,656.00 | $0.00 | $4,095.00 | $131,751.00 | $30,883.93 | $162,634.93 |
Hernandez, Dennis |
Public Risk Manager Hawthorne, 2013 |
$116,031.00 | $0.00 | $16,065.00 | $132,096.00 | $29,873.85 | $161,969.85 |
Carver, Richard |
P. W. Maint Superintendent Hawthorne, 2013 |
$103,694.00 | $18,974.00 | $11,200.00 | $133,868.00 | $27,172.85 | $161,040.85 |
Vu, The |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$89,215.00 | $23,267.00 | $14,901.00 | $127,383.00 | $33,461.04 | $160,844.04 |
Limbacher, Derek |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$85,257.00 | $24,215.00 | $15,241.00 | $124,713.00 | $34,708.11 | $159,421.11 |
Emmich, Lani |
Finance Manager Hawthorne, 2013 |
$123,633.00 | $0.00 | $4,643.00 | $128,276.00 | $30,849.28 | $159,125.28 |
Hultgren, Mark |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$86,743.00 | $21,161.00 | $15,821.00 | $123,725.00 | $35,213.39 | $158,938.39 |
Espinoza, Jr., Raul |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2013 |
$83,114.00 | $17,801.00 | $21,688.00 | $122,603.00 | $35,586.21 | $158,189.21 |