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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
Bruce Feng |
City Manager Camarillo, 2014 |
$227,115.00 | $0.00 | $28,109.00 | $255,224.00 | $84,413.00 | $339,637.00 |
Daniel Paranick |
Assistant City Manager Camarillo, 2014 |
$180,779.00 | $0.00 | $36,239.00 | $217,018.00 | $69,396.00 | $286,414.00 |
Thomas Fox |
Director, Public Works Camarillo, 2014 |
$186,531.00 | $0.00 | $19,427.00 | $205,958.00 | $69,679.00 | $275,637.00 |
Richard Petropulos |
Director, General Services Camarillo, 2014 |
$174,523.00 | $0.00 | $24,517.00 | $199,040.00 | $65,811.00 | $264,851.00 |
Ronnie Campbell |
Director, Finance Camarillo, 2014 |
$174,523.00 | $0.00 | $22,886.00 | $197,409.00 | $65,806.00 | $263,215.00 |
David Norman |
Director, Comm Development Camarillo, 2014 |
$173,072.00 | $0.00 | $21,947.00 | $195,019.00 | $64,914.00 | $259,933.00 |
Naftalia Tucker-Graczyk |
Assistant Dir PW/City Engineer Camarillo, 2014 |
$158,101.00 | $0.00 | $18,003.00 | $176,104.00 | $54,607.00 | $230,711.00 |
Jeffrie Madland |
City Clerk Camarillo, 2014 |
$143,479.00 | $0.00 | $22,716.00 | $166,195.00 | $54,725.00 | $220,920.00 |
Lucia Munoz-McGovern |
Deputy Dir PW/Environmental Camarillo, 2014 |
$143,769.00 | $0.00 | $20,485.00 | $164,254.00 | $50,477.00 | $214,731.00 |
William Golubics |
Deputy Dir PW/Transportation Camarillo, 2014 |
$133,266.00 | $0.00 | $30,812.00 | $164,078.00 | $48,566.00 | $212,644.00 |
John Thomas |
Assistant Director, General Services Camarillo, 2014 |
$138,984.00 | $0.00 | $21,498.00 | $160,482.00 | $48,721.00 | $209,203.00 |
Yolanda Kueny |
Assistant Dir, Human Resources Camarillo, 2014 |
$141,708.00 | $0.00 | $19,500.00 | $161,208.00 | $47,819.00 | $209,027.00 |
Mark Uribe |
Assistant Director, Finance Camarillo, 2014 |
$137,541.00 | $0.00 | $20,400.00 | $157,941.00 | $48,055.00 | $205,996.00 |
Ken Matsuoka |
Principal Civil Engineer Camarillo, 2014 |
$132,993.00 | $0.00 | $19,389.00 | $152,382.00 | $46,672.00 | $199,054.00 |
Mark Richardson |
Water Reclamation Superintendent Camarillo, 2014 |
$126,724.00 | $0.00 | $17,604.00 | $144,328.00 | $44,798.00 | $189,126.00 |
Richard Nack |
Senior Civil Engineer Camarillo, 2014 |
$119,655.00 | $0.00 | $19,320.00 | $138,975.00 | $42,147.00 | $181,122.00 |
Troy Spayd |
Senior Civil Engineer Camarillo, 2014 |
$119,655.00 | $0.00 | $18,560.00 | $138,215.00 | $40,610.00 | $178,825.00 |
Richard Dierksen |
Water Superintendent Camarillo, 2014 |
$115,225.00 | $0.00 | $20,780.00 | $136,005.00 | $41,954.00 | $177,959.00 |
Rosalio Alamillo |
PW Maintenance Superintendent Camarillo, 2014 |
$114,987.00 | $0.00 | $18,000.00 | $132,987.00 | $40,636.00 | $173,623.00 |
Steven Mitchell |
Principal Planner Camarillo, 2014 |
$102,110.00 | $0.00 | $26,322.00 | $128,432.00 | $38,597.00 | $167,029.00 |
Angelito Torres |
Associate Civil Engineer Camarillo, 2014 |
$108,322.00 | $0.00 | $16,981.00 | $125,303.00 | $38,431.00 | $163,734.00 |
James Campero |
Associate Civil Engineer Camarillo, 2014 |
$104,110.00 | $0.00 | $18,661.00 | $122,771.00 | $37,640.00 | $160,411.00 |
Raudel Pulido |
Associate Engineer Camarillo, 2014 |
$99,273.00 | $0.00 | $17,960.00 | $117,233.00 | $35,555.00 | $152,788.00 |
Lindy Moore |
Senior Management Analyst Camarillo, 2014 |
$100,034.00 | $0.00 | $18,298.00 | $118,332.00 | $34,285.00 | $152,617.00 |
Kathleen Holman |
Human Resources Analyst Camarillo, 2014 |
$100,035.00 | $0.00 | $16,767.00 | $116,802.00 | $35,714.00 | $152,516.00 |
John Fraser |
Senior Management Analyst Camarillo, 2014 |
$100,034.00 | $0.00 | $16,102.00 | $116,136.00 | $35,622.00 | $151,758.00 |
Thang Tran |
Associate Engineer Camarillo, 2014 |
$99,045.00 | $0.00 | $15,495.00 | $114,540.00 | $35,298.00 | $149,838.00 |
Kevin Jorgensborg |
Fleet and Facilities Manager Camarillo, 2014 |
$96,131.00 | $0.00 | $17,865.00 | $113,996.00 | $34,408.00 | $148,404.00 |
Licette Maldonado |
Finance/Accounting Manager Camarillo, 2014 |
$93,763.00 | $0.00 | $16,912.00 | $110,675.00 | $33,828.00 | $144,503.00 |
Anita Kuhlman |
Stormwater Program Manager Camarillo, 2014 |
$91,678.00 | $0.00 | $19,688.00 | $111,366.00 | $31,852.00 | $143,218.00 |
Michael Viani |
Chemist Camarillo, 2014 |
$92,959.00 | $0.00 | $16,469.00 | $109,428.00 | $33,647.00 | $143,075.00 |
Scott Taylor |
Code Compliance Manager Camarillo, 2014 |
$91,465.00 | $0.00 | $16,684.00 | $108,149.00 | $32,894.00 | $141,043.00 |
Jaclyn Lee |
Associate Planner Camarillo, 2014 |
$89,871.00 | $1,070.00 | $17,128.00 | $108,069.00 | $32,514.00 | $140,583.00 |
Roger Pichardo |
Management Analyst Camarillo, 2014 |
$90,977.00 | $0.00 | $16,541.00 | $107,518.00 | $33,016.00 | $140,534.00 |
Leonard Cruz |
Lead Water Reclamation Plant Operator Camarillo, 2014 |
$87,179.00 | $3,424.00 | $16,700.00 | $107,303.00 | $32,202.00 | $139,505.00 |
Michael Smith |
Associate Planner Camarillo, 2014 |
$89,663.00 | $1,196.00 | $15,628.00 | $106,487.00 | $32,315.00 | $138,802.00 |
Javier Ramirez |
Supervising Traffic Signal Technician Camarillo, 2014 |
$81,982.00 | $3,534.00 | $21,809.00 | $107,325.00 | $29,016.00 | $136,341.00 |
Norman Henri |
Information Systems Administrator Camarillo, 2014 |
$87,274.00 | $1,007.00 | $15,966.00 | $104,247.00 | $31,545.00 | $135,792.00 |
Dennis Brewer |
Asst Superintendent, Water Reclamation Camarillo, 2014 |
$86,673.00 | $0.00 | $17,094.00 | $103,767.00 | $31,461.00 | $135,228.00 |
Rodney Owen |
Information Systems Administrator Camarillo, 2014 |
$87,193.00 | $0.00 | $16,201.00 | $103,394.00 | $31,436.00 | $134,830.00 |
Robert Errington |
Geographic Information Systems Specialist Camarillo, 2014 |
$87,025.00 | $0.00 | $17,180.00 | $104,205.00 | $29,941.00 | $134,146.00 |
Thomas Magdaleno |
Geographic Information Systems Specialist Camarillo, 2014 |
$86,730.00 | $0.00 | $17,325.00 | $104,055.00 | $29,908.00 | $133,963.00 |
Kenneth Wilson |
Lead Collection Systems Mechanic Camarillo, 2014 |
$78,003.00 | $9,222.00 | $17,550.00 | $104,775.00 | $28,677.00 | $133,452.00 |
Christina Inloes |
Customer Service Supervisor Camarillo, 2014 |
$84,467.00 | $0.00 | $18,246.00 | $102,713.00 | $29,182.00 | $131,895.00 |
Janet Starr |
Management Assistant Camarillo, 2014 |
$83,984.00 | $0.00 | $16,564.00 | $100,548.00 | $30,449.00 | $130,997.00 |
Terry Anderson |
Water Reclamation Plant Maintenance Leadworker Camarillo, 2014 |
$80,661.00 | $863.00 | $18,190.00 | $99,714.00 | $30,156.00 | $129,870.00 |
Richard Romero |
Lead Water Production Operator Camarillo, 2014 |
$79,847.00 | $1,998.00 | $16,974.00 | $98,819.00 | $29,420.00 | $128,239.00 |
Jesus Mendez |
Lead Water Distribution Operator Camarillo, 2014 |
$78,822.00 | $3,057.00 | $17,002.00 | $98,881.00 | $29,292.00 | $128,173.00 |
Thomas Mooney |
Water Reclamation Plant Operator III Camarillo, 2014 |
$76,466.00 | $7,412.00 | $15,459.00 | $99,337.00 | $28,717.00 | $128,054.00 |
Robert Pitts |
PW Maintenance Supervisor Camarillo, 2014 |
$81,982.00 | $0.00 | $16,142.00 | $98,124.00 | $29,786.00 | $127,910.00 |