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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
Patrick Wiemiller |
City Administrator Lompoc, 2014 |
$193,458.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $193,458.00 | $20,801.00 | $214,259.00 |
Jeffrey Edman |
Fire Captain (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$85,235.00 | $66,474.00 | $1,747.00 | $153,456.00 | $40,967.00 | $194,423.00 |
Leslie Bean |
Utility Director Lompoc, 2014 |
$149,296.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $149,296.00 | $36,523.00 | $185,819.00 |
Michael Brown |
Battalion Fire Chief (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$92,880.00 | $49,606.00 | $0.00 | $142,486.00 | $38,534.00 | $181,020.00 |
James Latipow |
Fire Chief Lompoc, 2014 |
$131,489.00 | $0.00 | $885.00 | $132,374.00 | $40,021.00 | $172,395.00 |
Agustin Arias |
Police Sergeant Lompoc, 2014 |
$97,978.00 | $26,080.00 | $0.00 | $124,058.00 | $46,785.00 | $170,843.00 |
Donald Deming |
Police Captain Lompoc, 2014 |
$113,077.00 | $0.00 | $1,734.00 | $114,811.00 | $53,040.00 | $167,851.00 |
Teresa Gallavan |
Economic Development Dir./Asst.City Admin Lompoc, 2014 |
$129,591.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $129,591.00 | $35,657.00 | $165,248.00 |
Dena Foose |
Deputy Fire Marshal/Fire Captain Lompoc, 2014 |
$81,810.00 | $52,703.00 | $0.00 | $134,513.00 | $30,486.00 | $164,999.00 |
Kevin Mccune |
Public Works Director Lompoc, 2014 |
$124,478.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $124,478.00 | $40,106.00 | $164,584.00 |
Leonel Garza |
Police Agent Lompoc, 2014 |
$82,072.00 | $39,195.00 | $0.00 | $121,267.00 | $42,243.00 | $163,510.00 |
Steven Terrones |
Fire Captain (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$83,582.00 | $37,045.00 | $0.00 | $120,627.00 | $41,678.00 | $162,305.00 |
Mauricio Calderon |
Police Officer Lompoc, 2014 |
$77,115.00 | $44,799.00 | $0.00 | $121,914.00 | $39,384.00 | $161,298.00 |
Charles Ruda |
Fire Captain (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$84,302.00 | $34,294.00 | $0.00 | $118,596.00 | $40,846.00 | $159,442.00 |
Brian Federmann |
Fire Captain (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$82,168.00 | $34,980.00 | $0.00 | $117,148.00 | $41,438.00 | $158,586.00 |
Mark Bray |
Battalion Fire Chief (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$105,662.00 | $14,129.00 | $0.00 | $119,791.00 | $38,463.00 | $158,254.00 |
Scott Nunez |
Fire Captain (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$78,957.00 | $36,200.00 | $0.00 | $115,157.00 | $41,486.00 | $156,643.00 |
Bradford Wilkie |
Management Srv Dir/Fin Dir/City Treasurer Lompoc, 2014 |
$115,902.00 | $0.00 | $1,741.00 | $117,643.00 | $38,866.00 | $156,509.00 |
Marty Hostler |
Electrical Utility Manager Lompoc, 2014 |
$120,047.00 | $0.00 | $734.00 | $120,781.00 | $35,116.00 | $155,897.00 |
Lane Middleton |
Police Sergeant Lompoc, 2014 |
$90,125.00 | $17,304.00 | $1,358.00 | $108,787.00 | $45,630.00 | $154,417.00 |
Bryan Dillard |
Police Sergeant Lompoc, 2014 |
$91,607.00 | $15,683.00 | $0.00 | $107,290.00 | $46,269.00 | $153,559.00 |
Edward Lardner |
Police Captain Lompoc, 2014 |
$114,598.00 | $0.00 | $1,573.00 | $116,171.00 | $35,698.00 | $151,869.00 |
Stefanie Edmondson |
Fire Captain (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$86,558.00 | $30,894.00 | $0.00 | $117,452.00 | $33,825.00 | $151,277.00 |
Charles Strange |
Police Sergeant Lompoc, 2014 |
$93,023.00 | $15,574.00 | $0.00 | $108,597.00 | $42,507.00 | $151,104.00 |
Mark Clayton |
Battalion Fire Chief (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$100,996.00 | $11,313.00 | $0.00 | $112,309.00 | $38,463.00 | $150,772.00 |
Joseph Stetz |
Police Sergeant Lompoc, 2014 |
$90,153.00 | $11,415.00 | $0.00 | $101,568.00 | $46,032.00 | $147,600.00 |
Vincent Magallon |
Police Agent Lompoc, 2014 |
$81,540.00 | $24,545.00 | $0.00 | $106,085.00 | $40,153.00 | $146,238.00 |
William Steffens |
Fire Engineer (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$70,548.00 | $38,368.00 | $0.00 | $108,916.00 | $37,307.00 | $146,223.00 |
Nathan Flint |
Police Sergeant Lompoc, 2014 |
$91,229.00 | $7,185.00 | $1,810.00 | $100,224.00 | $45,318.00 | $145,542.00 |
Steve Mickelson |
Electrical Substation Technician Lompoc, 2014 |
$95,328.00 | $16,245.00 | $0.00 | $111,573.00 | $32,228.00 | $143,801.00 |
David Lamar |
Police Officer Lompoc, 2014 |
$69,598.00 | $34,734.00 | $0.00 | $104,332.00 | $38,848.00 | $143,180.00 |
Timothy Xiong |
Police Officer Lompoc, 2014 |
$76,470.00 | $26,953.00 | $0.00 | $103,423.00 | $39,753.00 | $143,176.00 |
Melinda Wall |
Financial Services Manager Lompoc, 2014 |
$106,542.00 | $0.00 | $406.00 | $106,948.00 | $33,824.00 | $140,772.00 |
Michael Luther |
Assistant Public Works Director_City Engi Lompoc, 2014 |
$103,687.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $103,687.00 | $35,680.00 | $139,367.00 |
Stephen Delauretis |
Police Officer Lompoc, 2014 |
$72,606.00 | $25,835.00 | $1,337.00 | $99,778.00 | $39,472.00 | $139,250.00 |
Jeffrey Collins |
Information Systems Manager Lompoc, 2014 |
$109,485.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $109,485.00 | $28,209.00 | $137,694.00 |
Kevin Shay |
Fire Engineer (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$66,887.00 | $35,352.00 | $0.00 | $102,239.00 | $35,325.00 | $137,564.00 |
Craig Gildea |
Electrical Supervisor Lompoc, 2014 |
$103,359.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $103,359.00 | $33,760.00 | $137,119.00 |
Scott Brade |
Electrical Substation Technician Lompoc, 2014 |
$94,630.00 | $10,252.00 | $0.00 | $104,882.00 | $31,822.00 | $136,704.00 |
David Garcia |
Police Officer Lompoc, 2014 |
$75,734.00 | $21,083.00 | $0.00 | $96,817.00 | $39,673.00 | $136,490.00 |
Deanna Clement |
Police Sergeant Lompoc, 2014 |
$92,056.00 | $3,879.00 | $0.00 | $95,935.00 | $40,516.00 | $136,451.00 |
Eric Andreasen |
Police Officer Lompoc, 2014 |
$90,183.00 | $6,309.00 | $0.00 | $96,492.00 | $39,022.00 | $135,514.00 |
Scott Morgan |
Police Agent Lompoc, 2014 |
$82,580.00 | $13,994.00 | $0.00 | $96,574.00 | $38,796.00 | $135,370.00 |
Gene Margheim |
Water Superintendent Lompoc, 2014 |
$103,225.00 | $136.00 | $0.00 | $103,361.00 | $31,884.00 | $135,245.00 |
Tony Vickery |
12-kV Electrical Line Worker Lompoc, 2014 |
$86,541.26 | $16,112.00 | $0.00 | $102,653.26 | $31,214.00 | $133,867.26 |
Anthony Hudley |
Fire Engineer (56 hrs/wk) Lompoc, 2014 |
$70,853.00 | $29,369.00 | $1,012.00 | $101,234.00 | $32,373.00 | $133,607.00 |
Jorge Magana |
Police Agent Lompoc, 2014 |
$87,817.00 | $13,610.00 | $1,574.00 | $103,001.00 | $29,446.00 | $132,447.00 |
Charles Scott |
Police Officer Lompoc, 2014 |
$61,866.00 | $40,991.00 | $1,263.00 | $104,120.00 | $27,584.00 | $131,704.00 |
Lucille Breese |
Planning Manager Lompoc, 2014 |
$104,175.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $104,175.00 | $27,381.00 | $131,556.00 |
Alvin Allen |
Electrical Substation Technician Lompoc, 2014 |
$87,030.00 | $11,779.00 | $0.00 | $98,809.00 | $30,225.00 | $129,034.00 |