Job title summary for Santa Ana

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Projects Manager 3 $101,573.33 $6,168.83 $1,850.50 $109,592.67 $47,636.57 $157,229.24
Workers' Compensation Supervisor (AM) 1 $103,290.00 $0.00 $0.00 $103,290.00 $51,123.19 $154,413.19
Senior Park Services Inspection Supervisor 1 $94,044.00 $4,319.85 $4,565.78 $102,929.63 $50,959.95 $153,889.58
Senior Combination Building Inspector 1 $85,284.00 $10,882.19 $8,436.00 $104,602.19 $49,003.57 $153,605.76
Correctional Supervisor 7 $86,670.86 $14,446.48 $5,577.95 $106,695.29 $46,240.44 $152,935.74
Senior Programmer Analyst 2 $98,760.00 $0.00 $3,839.90 $102,599.90 $50,244.20 $152,844.10
Firearms Examiner 1 $91,308.00 $144.84 $9,120.00 $100,572.84 $50,084.32 $150,657.16
Benefits & Compensation Supervisor (AM) 1 $105,209.00 $0.00 $0.00 $105,209.00 $44,871.16 $150,080.16
Associate Planner 3 $98,748.00 $391.71 $0.00 $99,139.71 $49,598.58 $148,738.29
Plan Examiner (T) 1 $84,876.00 $17,778.96 $2,088.00 $104,742.96 $43,986.01 $148,728.97
Community Preservation Inspector 1 $74,129.00 $1,509.06 $27,147.24 $102,785.30 $45,870.80 $148,656.10
Associate Park and Landscape Planner 1 $98,748.00 $0.00 $0.00 $98,748.00 $49,699.02 $148,447.02
GIS Administrator 1 $96,348.00 $208.44 $0.00 $96,556.44 $51,548.59 $148,105.03
Systems Support Analyst 1 $101,172.00 $0.00 $0.00 $101,172.00 $46,700.02 $147,872.02
Water Services Quality Supervisor 1 $83,244.00 $15,232.81 $2,100.00 $100,576.81 $47,167.57 $147,744.38
Senior Personnel Analyst (UC) 3 $99,650.50 $148.63 $1,230.85 $101,029.98 $45,984.07 $147,014.05
Senior Water Systems Operator 1 $77,352.00 $21,587.16 $3,703.00 $102,642.16 $43,596.46 $146,238.62
Police Recruit 1 $69,480.00 $27,049.25 $7,598.00 $104,127.25 $42,044.48 $146,171.73
Police Communications Supervisor 4 $79,695.75 $15,585.09 $5,810.26 $101,091.10 $44,844.00 $145,935.10
Code Enforcement Supervisor 3 $84,453.65 $2,245.12 $8,440.00 $95,138.76 $50,369.43 $145,508.19
Senior Housing Specialist 3 $77,736.00 $18,750.71 $4,000.00 $100,486.71 $44,743.54 $145,230.25
Community Services Manager (MM) 1 $98,009.50 $0.00 $4,727.56 $102,737.06 $41,978.94 $144,716.00
Payroll Systems Analyst (UC) 2 $100,138.50 $0.00 $477.10 $100,615.60 $43,954.29 $144,569.89
Water Services Supervisor 2 $83,244.00 $11,133.89 $3,741.20 $98,119.09 $45,757.92 $143,877.01
Combination Building Inspector 3 $77,352.00 $7,449.34 $10,420.00 $95,221.34 $47,317.87 $142,539.21
Water Services Crew Leader 2 $71,556.00 $22,985.50 $3,516.40 $98,057.90 $43,692.46 $141,750.36
Senior Budget Analyst (UC) 1 $90,377.50 $0.00 $0.00 $90,377.50 $50,854.50 $141,232.00
Forensic Specialist II 2 $80,424.00 $3,702.02 $10,134.00 $94,260.02 $46,718.16 $140,978.18
Crime Research Analyst 4 $82,969.40 $4,811.32 $6,420.12 $94,200.84 $45,866.00 $140,066.84
Survey Party Chief 1 $90,852.00 $327.60 $0.00 $91,179.60 $46,952.09 $138,131.69
Telecommunications Coordinator 1 $92,676.00 $0.00 $0.00 $92,676.00 $44,600.80 $137,276.80
Public Works Projects Specialist 1 $85,284.00 $5,041.27 $2,100.00 $92,425.27 $44,516.98 $136,942.25
Strategic Communications Manager (MM) 1 $94,341.00 $0.00 $2,100.00 $96,441.00 $40,242.62 $136,683.62
Senior Management Analyst (UC) 5 $90,680.50 $1,480.12 $96.00 $92,256.62 $44,201.32 $136,457.94
Water Services Utility Inspector 1 $75,492.00 $15,198.28 $1,451.60 $92,141.88 $43,954.44 $136,096.32
Instrument Technician 1 $70,310.50 $23,321.30 $0.00 $93,631.80 $42,154.11 $135,785.91
Construction Inspector I 5 $77,015.40 $12,461.35 $1,299.57 $90,776.31 $43,684.52 $134,460.83
Accountant II 3 $83,524.00 $2,484.77 $2,155.13 $88,163.90 $46,247.75 $134,411.65
Workforce Specialist IV 1 $91,764.00 $0.00 $2,100.00 $93,864.00 $39,835.58 $133,699.58
Fleet Services Supervisor 1 $88,050.00 $1,092.68 $1,620.00 $90,762.68 $42,707.60 $133,470.28
Water Services Quality Inspector 1 $75,492.00 $25,012.99 $2,177.40 $102,682.39 $29,316.98 $131,999.37
Neighborhood Improvement Projects Specialist 1 $85,284.00 $2,921.25 $0.00 $88,205.25 $43,400.87 $131,606.12
Assistant Engineer I 1 $86,469.00 $2,938.37 $0.00 $89,407.37 $41,060.65 $130,468.02
Correctional Officer 70 $68,858.46 $14,326.75 $5,792.77 $88,977.98 $40,861.23 $129,839.21
Park Services Inspection Supervisor 1 $81,216.00 $1,512.28 $480.00 $83,208.28 $45,892.97 $129,101.25
Stormwater Coordinator 1 $84,775.50 $5,412.00 $0.00 $90,187.50 $37,957.99 $128,145.49
Tree Maintenance Supervisor 1 $73,680.00 $4,745.61 $7,678.95 $86,104.56 $41,842.15 $127,946.71
General Maintenance Leader 1 $69,816.00 $12,614.00 $3,390.24 $85,820.24 $41,767.03 $127,587.27
Police Services Dispatcher 18 $71,186.99 $6,850.27 $6,786.44 $84,823.70 $42,326.74 $127,150.44
Treasury Services Supervisor 1 $75,120.00 $7,188.31 $498.00 $82,806.31 $44,285.37 $127,091.68

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.