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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
Frank Robinson |
Town Manager Apple Valley, 2015 |
$241,525.00 | $0.00 | $11,385.00 | $252,910.00 | $87,272.00 | $340,182.00 |
Dennis Cron |
Assistant Town Manager Apple Valley, 2015 |
$212,053.00 | $0.00 | $35,440.00 | $247,493.00 | $80,053.00 | $327,546.00 |
Marc Puckett |
Assistant Town Manager Apple Valley, 2015 |
$214,537.00 | $0.00 | $25,488.00 | $240,025.00 | $74,084.00 | $314,109.00 |
Lori Lamson |
Assistant Town Manager Apple Valley, 2015 |
$186,182.00 | $0.00 | $6,840.00 | $193,022.00 | $70,897.00 | $263,919.00 |
LaVonda Pearson |
Town Clerk Apple Valley, 2015 |
$155,331.00 | $0.00 | $22,517.00 | $177,848.00 | $62,920.00 | $240,768.00 |
Nikki Salas |
Director Of Human Resources Apple Valley, 2015 |
$154,399.00 | $0.00 | $13,784.00 | $168,183.00 | $68,708.00 | $236,891.00 |
Kathie Martin |
Marketing & Public Affairs Ofr Apple Valley, 2015 |
$128,554.00 | $0.00 | $16,140.00 | $144,694.00 | $46,245.00 | $190,939.00 |
Lance Miller |
Director Of Public Works Apple Valley, 2015 |
$129,660.00 | $0.00 | $6,840.00 | $136,500.00 | $50,780.00 | $187,280.00 |
Gina Schwin-Whiteside |
Animal Services Mgr Apple Valley, 2015 |
$118,980.00 | $0.00 | $17,271.00 | $136,251.00 | $50,830.00 | $187,081.00 |
Rarlph Wright |
Park & Recreation Mgr Apple Valley, 2015 |
$115,684.00 | $0.00 | $6,043.00 | $121,727.00 | $46,609.00 | $168,336.00 |
Kofi Antobam |
Asst Director Of Finance Apple Valley, 2015 |
$126,873.00 | $0.00 | $1,632.00 | $128,505.00 | $29,830.00 | $158,335.00 |
Orlando Acevedo |
Economic Development Manager Apple Valley, 2015 |
$108,631.00 | $0.00 | $5,584.00 | $114,215.00 | $40,571.00 | $154,786.00 |
Carol Miller |
Principal Planner Apple Valley, 2015 |
$113,282.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $113,282.00 | $39,439.00 | $152,721.00 |
James Andersen |
Code Enforcement Mgr Apple Valley, 2015 |
$112,517.00 | $0.00 | $425.00 | $112,942.00 | $37,341.00 | $150,283.00 |
Joseph Moon |
Enviro & Transit Svcs Mgr Apple Valley, 2015 |
$106,814.00 | $0.00 | $1,322.00 | $108,136.00 | $39,859.00 | $147,995.00 |
Charles Fenn |
Sr Planner Apple Valley, 2015 |
$101,875.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $101,875.00 | $41,354.00 | $143,229.00 |
Michael Cady |
Public Works Mgr Apple Valley, 2015 |
$92,479.00 | $0.00 | $8,566.00 | $101,045.00 | $35,433.00 | $136,478.00 |
Pamela Cupp |
Associate Planner Apple Valley, 2015 |
$85,578.00 | $0.00 | $7,899.00 | $93,477.00 | $38,018.00 | $131,495.00 |
Christopher Moore |
Housing-Community Dev Spec II Apple Valley, 2015 |
$93,046.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $93,046.00 | $37,435.00 | $130,481.00 |
Jennifer Heim |
Special Projects Manager Apple Valley, 2015 |
$93,850.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $93,850.00 | $36,559.00 | $130,409.00 |
Darlene Drenk |
Senior Accountant Apple Valley, 2015 |
$92,995.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $92,995.00 | $32,838.00 | $125,833.00 |
Lenarae Quinonez |
Recreation Supervisor Apple Valley, 2015 |
$83,398.00 | $0.00 | $1,657.00 | $85,055.00 | $28,567.00 | $113,622.00 |
Joseph Ramos |
Recreation Supervisor Apple Valley, 2015 |
$82,371.00 | $0.00 | $915.00 | $83,286.00 | $28,432.00 | $111,718.00 |
Frankie Fonseca |
Code Enforcement Officer II Apple Valley, 2015 |
$82,402.00 | $243.00 | $1,597.00 | $84,242.00 | $25,892.00 | $110,134.00 |
Thomas Brown |
Accountant I Apple Valley, 2015 |
$66,907.00 | $0.00 | $12,586.00 | $79,493.00 | $27,898.00 | $107,391.00 |
Christina Rudsell |
Executive Secretary Apple Valley, 2015 |
$78,525.00 | $0.00 | $849.00 | $79,374.00 | $27,292.00 | $106,666.00 |
Tina Kuhns |
Administrative Analyst I Apple Valley, 2015 |
$77,007.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $77,007.00 | $27,091.00 | $104,098.00 |
Mary Ann Worle |
Executive Secretary Apple Valley, 2015 |
$75,925.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $75,925.00 | $28,059.00 | $103,984.00 |
Roberta McComas |
Hr Payroll Coordinator Apple Valley, 2015 |
$70,141.00 | $0.00 | $3,523.00 | $73,664.00 | $29,536.00 | $103,200.00 |
Kristin Hall |
Animal Shelter Supervisor Apple Valley, 2015 |
$71,917.00 | $347.00 | $1,653.00 | $73,917.00 | $28,337.00 | $102,254.00 |
Julie Gilmer |
Event Coordinator Apple Valley, 2015 |
$75,213.00 | $1,059.00 | $0.00 | $76,272.00 | $25,277.00 | $101,549.00 |
Ernest Weast |
Code Enforcement Officer II Apple Valley, 2015 |
$73,757.00 | $576.00 | $1,234.00 | $75,567.00 | $24,821.00 | $100,388.00 |
Jonathan Wood |
Sr Code Enforcement Officer Apple Valley, 2015 |
$63,961.00 | $3,733.00 | $2,521.00 | $70,215.00 | $30,105.00 | $100,320.00 |
Larry Williams |
Code Enforcement Officer II Apple Valley, 2015 |
$74,645.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $74,645.00 | $25,033.00 | $99,678.00 |
Thomas McKeon |
Sr Maint Worker – Facilities Apple Valley, 2015 |
$66,381.00 | $0.00 | $7,451.00 | $73,832.00 | $24,666.00 | $98,498.00 |
Yvonne Rivera |
Deputy Town Clerk Apple Valley, 2015 |
$71,316.00 | $0.00 | $689.00 | $72,005.00 | $26,301.00 | $98,306.00 |
Kathleen Harrower |
Code Enforcement Officer II Apple Valley, 2015 |
$71,802.00 | $83.00 | $0.00 | $71,885.00 | $26,045.00 | $97,930.00 |
Charlene Engeron |
Public Relations Specialist Apple Valley, 2015 |
$66,260.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $66,260.00 | $31,497.00 | $97,757.00 |
Joshua Hall |
Animal Control Officer II Apple Valley, 2015 |
$69,572.00 | $0.00 | $3,284.00 | $72,856.00 | $24,710.00 | $97,566.00 |
Kisha McDonald |
Human Resources Analyst Apple Valley, 2015 |
$76,611.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $76,611.00 | $20,088.00 | $96,699.00 |
Diana Lopez |
Public Services Technician Apple Valley, 2015 |
$63,063.00 | $0.00 | $7,484.00 | $70,547.00 | $25,487.00 | $96,034.00 |
Karen Kelley |
Administrative Secretary Apple Valley, 2015 |
$68,550.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $68,550.00 | $25,603.00 | $94,153.00 |
Kenneth Martin |
Maint Worker II – Facilities Apple Valley, 2015 |
$54,610.00 | $3,338.00 | $6,381.00 | $64,329.00 | $25,732.00 | $90,061.00 |
Heather Wylie |
Housing-Community Dev Spec I Apple Valley, 2015 |
$63,854.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $63,854.00 | $25,161.00 | $89,015.00 |
Rebecca Weast |
Animal Control Technician Apple Valley, 2015 |
$64,725.00 | $0.00 | $1,064.00 | $65,789.00 | $22,805.00 | $88,594.00 |
Debra Thomas |
Deputy Town Clerk Apple Valley, 2015 |
$62,636.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $62,636.00 | $25,514.00 | $88,150.00 |
Dona Smith |
Animal Control Technician Apple Valley, 2015 |
$63,619.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $63,619.00 | $22,804.00 | $86,423.00 |
Dawn Simmon |
Account Clerk II Apple Valley, 2015 |
$55,642.00 | $58.00 | $3,705.00 | $59,405.00 | $24,825.00 | $84,230.00 |
Christie Gonzales |
Animal Control Technician Apple Valley, 2015 |
$57,389.00 | $0.00 | $1,064.00 | $58,453.00 | $23,545.00 | $81,998.00 |
Michael Atteberry |
Sr Maint Worker – Streets Apple Valley, 2015 |
$52,494.00 | $3,029.00 | $2,690.00 | $58,213.00 | $21,600.00 | $79,813.00 |