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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
Robert D. Fager Jr. |
Chief Of Police Services Hawthorne, 2015 |
$218,907.00 | $0.00 | $46,072.00 | $264,979.00 | $102,808.00 | $367,787.00 |
Keith W. Kauffman |
Police Captain Hawthorne, 2015 |
$135,464.00 | $0.00 | $151,351.00 | $286,815.00 | $64,025.00 | $350,840.00 |
Michael M. Ishii |
Police Captain Hawthorne, 2015 |
$168,797.00 | $0.00 | $57,180.00 | $225,977.00 | $89,069.00 | $315,046.00 |
Arnold A. S. Shadbehr |
Interim City Manager Hawthorne, 2015 |
$214,883.00 | $0.00 | $12,844.00 | $227,727.00 | $65,705.00 | $293,432.00 |
Tommy Kang |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$92,396.00 | $50,735.00 | $105,367.00 | $248,498.00 | $43,987.00 | $292,485.00 |
James A Royer |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$139,442.00 | $33,959.00 | $41,739.00 | $215,140.00 | $75,522.00 | $290,662.00 |
Julian A. Catano, Jr. |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$139,121.00 | $50,559.00 | $25,311.00 | $214,991.00 | $67,942.00 | $282,933.00 |
Peter T. Goetz |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$137,496.00 | $49,411.00 | $23,644.00 | $210,551.00 | $66,704.00 | $277,255.00 |
Russell I. Miyahira |
City Attorney Hawthorne, 2015 |
$205,518.00 | $0.00 | $6,960.00 | $212,478.00 | $61,464.00 | $273,942.00 |
Gary I. Tomatani |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$138,491.00 | $20,523.00 | $38,547.00 | $197,561.00 | $71,966.00 | $269,527.00 |
Kenneth S. Swain |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$156,510.00 | $13,139.00 | $30,401.00 | $200,050.00 | $67,329.00 | $267,379.00 |
Eric Joseph Lane |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$123,486.00 | $43,734.00 | $30,817.00 | $198,037.00 | $60,672.00 | $258,709.00 |
Shamindra K. Manbahal |
Director Of Finance Hawthorne, 2015 |
$175,306.00 | $0.00 | $19,638.00 | $194,944.00 | $53,832.32 | $248,776.32 |
Santos Jimenez |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$92,209.00 | $102,640.00 | $10,261.00 | $205,110.00 | $42,968.00 | $248,078.00 |
Mark Hardison |
Director Of Rec & Comm Svcs Hawthorne, 2015 |
$148,680.00 | $0.00 | $38,011.00 | $186,691.00 | $56,812.32 | $243,503.32 |
Aimee J. Yoshida |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$129,171.00 | $9,354.00 | $36,112.00 | $174,637.00 | $68,370.00 | $243,007.00 |
Steven Romero |
Police Lieutenant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$134,480.00 | $9,162.00 | $32,150.00 | $175,792.00 | $66,983.00 | $242,775.00 |
Hai-Ray Shun |
Director Of Building & Safety Hawthorne, 2015 |
$168,074.00 | $0.00 | $22,702.00 | $190,776.00 | $51,765.32 | $242,541.32 |
Joel Romero |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$112,575.00 | $49,693.00 | $24,140.00 | $186,408.00 | $54,939.00 | $241,347.00 |
Christopher S. Komathy |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$96,855.00 | $81,252.00 | $14,026.00 | $192,133.00 | $46,749.00 | $238,882.00 |
Robert E. Levy |
Deputy City Attorney Hawthorne, 2015 |
$109,710.00 | $0.00 | $96,505.00 | $206,215.00 | $31,525.86 | $237,740.86 |
Hamid Pournamdari |
Director Of Housing Hawthorne, 2015 |
$168,394.00 | $0.00 | $15,714.00 | $184,108.00 | $53,369.32 | $237,477.32 |
Michael L. Goodson |
City Manager Hawthorne, 2015 |
$121,775.00 | $0.00 | $65,702.00 | $187,477.00 | $39,239.00 | $226,716.00 |
Larry Grajeda |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$114,084.00 | $32,847.00 | $23,147.00 | $170,078.00 | $56,101.00 | $226,179.00 |
Robert Kim |
Assistant City Attorney Hawthorne, 2015 |
$162,753.00 | $0.00 | $11,395.00 | $174,148.00 | $49,806.32 | $223,954.32 |
Dennis E. Hernandez |
Public Risk Manager Hawthorne, 2015 |
$139,415.00 | $0.00 | $28,920.00 | $168,335.00 | $46,947.32 | $215,282.32 |
Shawn E. Shimono |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$111,088.00 | $34,966.00 | $16,893.00 | $162,947.00 | $51,657.00 | $214,604.00 |
Kevin R. Keus |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$122,347.00 | $24,380.00 | $16,056.00 | $162,783.00 | $51,793.00 | $214,576.00 |
Christopher Port |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$104,205.00 | $48,076.00 | $9,418.00 | $161,699.00 | $48,189.00 | $209,888.00 |
Gabriel Lira |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$111,172.00 | $23,546.00 | $18,643.00 | $153,361.00 | $51,860.00 | $205,221.00 |
Stephen B. Colquette |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$127,412.00 | $3,293.00 | $16,913.00 | $147,618.00 | $52,984.00 | $200,602.00 |
Christopher Wiley |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$114,024.00 | $6,930.00 | $25,163.00 | $146,117.00 | $53,300.00 | $199,417.00 |
James B. Connor |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$111,187.00 | $16,363.00 | $19,426.00 | $146,976.00 | $52,020.00 | $198,996.00 |
Robbie R. Williams |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$114,684.00 | $10,936.00 | $17,260.00 | $142,880.00 | $55,745.00 | $198,625.00 |
Alan W. Leung |
Senior Transportation Engineer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$134,981.00 | $9,470.00 | $10,001.00 | $154,452.00 | $41,205.00 | $195,657.00 |
Thomas Heffner |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$90,972.00 | $52,128.00 | $9,676.00 | $152,776.00 | $42,692.00 | $195,468.00 |
Larry Robinson |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$105,744.00 | $5,303.00 | $28,656.00 | $139,703.00 | $53,055.00 | $192,758.00 |
Gilbert Sanchez, Jr. |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$105,010.00 | $24,511.00 | $9,507.00 | $139,028.00 | $48,628.00 | $187,656.00 |
Malek Taweil |
Senior Engineer Specialist Hawthorne, 2015 |
$140,588.00 | $730.00 | $2,076.00 | $143,394.00 | $42,397.00 | $185,791.00 |
Raul Espinoza, Jr. |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$87,209.00 | $37,417.00 | $17,294.00 | $141,920.00 | $43,827.00 | $185,747.00 |
The Paul Vu |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$96,523.00 | $28,981.00 | $16,937.00 | $142,441.00 | $43,182.00 | $185,623.00 |
Robert E. Mitchell |
Police Sergeant Hawthorne, 2015 |
$108,777.00 | $9,182.00 | $16,025.00 | $133,984.00 | $51,498.00 | $185,482.00 |
Gregory A. Mc Clain |
Director Cdbg/ Planning Hawthorne, 2015 |
$130,299.00 | $0.00 | $12,422.00 | $142,721.00 | $41,617.32 | $184,338.32 |
Erik A. Martin |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$94,541.00 | $17,724.00 | $23,318.00 | $135,583.00 | $47,806.00 | $183,389.00 |
Keith A. Chaffin |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$103,790.00 | $9,158.00 | $19,824.00 | $132,772.00 | $48,542.00 | $181,314.00 |
David C. Roberts, Jr. |
Director Of Human Resources Hawthorne, 2015 |
$129,983.00 | $0.00 | $8,783.00 | $138,766.00 | $41,087.32 | $179,853.32 |
Shaun T. Kemp |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$83,225.00 | $38,975.00 | $15,572.00 | $137,772.00 | $41,745.00 | $179,517.00 |
Mark D. Hultgren |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$92,015.00 | $24,514.00 | $16,852.00 | $133,381.00 | $45,475.00 | $178,856.00 |
Kirk C Moiseve |
Police Officer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$95,262.00 | $18,806.00 | $19,957.00 | $134,025.00 | $44,698.00 | $178,723.00 |
Akbar Farokhi |
Senior Engineer Hawthorne, 2015 |
$117,765.00 | $11,640.00 | $12,103.00 | $141,508.00 | $36,931.00 | $178,439.00 |