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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
Steven B. Falk |
City Manager Lafayette, 2015 |
$227,573.97 | $0.00 | $60,627.28 | $288,201.25 | $66,635.72 | $354,836.97 |
Tony Coe |
City Engineer Lafayette, 2015 |
$166,817.30 | $0.00 | $40,475.00 | $207,292.30 | $59,220.39 | $266,512.69 |
Tracy A. Robinson |
Admin Services Director Lafayette, 2015 |
$166,861.68 | $0.00 | $23,332.74 | $190,194.42 | $53,697.48 | $243,891.90 |
Niroop Srivatsa |
Planning & Building Dir Lafayette, 2015 |
$154,739.39 | $0.00 | $35,320.01 | $190,059.40 | $47,353.45 | $237,412.85 |
Jennifer Russell |
Parks & Rec Director Lafayette, 2015 |
$143,719.21 | $0.00 | $10,637.24 | $154,356.45 | $43,568.51 | $197,924.96 |
Michael Moran |
Public Works Director Lafayette, 2015 |
$119,489.52 | $0.00 | $13,360.88 | $132,850.40 | $45,513.23 | $178,363.63 |
Farzaneh K. Sanders |
Senior Engineer Lafayette, 2015 |
$117,388.78 | $0.00 | $13,178.68 | $130,567.46 | $47,047.60 | $177,615.06 |
John M. Luttropp |
Senior Engineer Lafayette, 2015 |
$117,937.48 | $0.00 | $8,013.90 | $125,951.38 | $44,629.37 | $170,580.75 |
Joanne Robbins |
City Clerk Lafayette, 2015 |
$109,902.55 | $0.00 | $10,821.50 | $120,724.05 | $35,414.04 | $156,138.09 |
Gregory Wolff |
Assistant Planning Director Lafayette, 2015 |
$104,575.04 | $0.00 | $8,172.50 | $112,747.54 | $43,224.98 | $155,972.52 |
Jennifer Wakeman |
Financial Services Mgr Lafayette, 2015 |
$126,817.21 | $0.00 | $5,973.00 | $132,790.21 | $22,730.42 | $155,520.63 |
Juliet Hansen |
Transportation Prgm Man Lafayette, 2015 |
$108,879.86 | $0.00 | $7,755.87 | $116,635.73 | $36,928.18 | $153,563.91 |
Donna Feehan |
Management Analyst Lafayette, 2015 |
$95,581.07 | $0.00 | $21,683.08 | $117,264.15 | $28,986.36 | $146,250.51 |
Michael Cass |
Senior Planner Lafayette, 2015 |
$90,593.09 | $0.00 | $12,173.41 | $102,766.50 | $28,537.50 | $131,304.00 |
Robin Townley |
Accountant Lafayette, 2015 |
$81,932.76 | $0.00 | $18,650.84 | $100,583.60 | $25,832.12 | $126,415.72 |
John Warshaw |
Recreation Supervisor Lafayette, 2015 |
$79,884.48 | $0.00 | $19,552.31 | $99,436.79 | $24,564.63 | $124,001.42 |
Abdelaziz Aineb |
Construction Inspector Lafayette, 2015 |
$77,760.85 | $151.18 | $4,342.00 | $82,254.03 | $39,114.06 | $121,368.09 |
Jonathan Katayanagi |
Recreation Supervisor Lafayette, 2015 |
$74,309.74 | $0.00 | $8,468.50 | $82,778.24 | $37,785.51 | $120,563.75 |
Cathy A. Surges-Moscato |
Community Srvc Officer Lafayette, 2015 |
$67,726.12 | $9,140.71 | $10,860.92 | $87,727.75 | $25,710.02 | $113,437.77 |
Greg Travers |
Maintenance Supervisor Lafayette, 2015 |
$77,301.42 | $0.00 | $9,598.48 | $86,899.90 | $24,673.84 | $111,573.74 |
Eileen Fahy-Resavy |
Police Srvs Assistant Lafayette, 2015 |
$70,159.18 | $4,427.34 | $15,129.59 | $89,716.11 | $21,047.72 | $110,763.83 |
Adam Foster |
Code Enforcement Lafayette, 2015 |
$60,434.20 | $306.99 | $8,371.28 | $69,112.47 | $35,996.52 | $105,108.99 |
Lisa Martin |
Senior Admin Assistant Lafayette, 2015 |
$62,142.26 | $231.36 | $4,798.20 | $67,171.82 | $36,584.79 | $103,756.61 |
Therese Kain |
Senior Admin Assistant Lafayette, 2015 |
$66,836.26 | $0.00 | $4,657.17 | $71,493.43 | $29,034.24 | $100,527.67 |
Sarah Allen |
Associate Planner Lafayette, 2015 |
$74,032.46 | $1,404.97 | $2,994.00 | $78,431.43 | $20,534.12 | $98,965.55 |
Douglas Swanson |
Temporary Lafayette, 2015 |
$98,200.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $98,200.00 | $0.00 | $98,200.00 |
Sharon Lloyd |
Parking Enforcement Lafayette, 2015 |
$62,474.64 | $2,963.68 | $7,147.26 | $72,585.58 | $19,123.74 | $91,709.32 |
Megan Canales |
Assistant Planner Lafayette, 2015 |
$60,496.34 | $1,536.94 | $4,225.08 | $66,258.36 | $18,632.23 | $84,890.59 |
Jesus Hernandez |
Facilities Maintenance Lafayette, 2015 |
$53,142.54 | $0.00 | $3,698.27 | $56,840.81 | $26,820.94 | $83,661.75 |
Brian Long |
Maintenance Supervisor Lafayette, 2015 |
$62,509.01 | $0.00 | $3,175.00 | $65,684.01 | $15,861.72 | $81,545.73 |
Ronald D. Lefler |
Public Works Director Lafayette, 2015 |
$43,094.52 | $0.00 | $14,733.87 | $57,828.39 | $18,302.27 | $76,130.66 |
Niccole Parenti |
Police Services Assistant Lafayette, 2015 |
$49,183.76 | $796.64 | $9,565.47 | $59,545.87 | $15,717.52 | $75,263.39 |
Cindy Lincoln |
Accounting Assistant Lafayette, 2015 |
$47,689.22 | $0.00 | $10,253.65 | $57,942.87 | $14,306.76 | $72,249.63 |
Maureen Neumann |
Senior Center Coordinator Lafayette, 2015 |
$32,319.08 | $0.00 | $1,816.00 | $34,135.08 | $21,199.53 | $55,334.61 |
Zachary Oates |
Associate Engineer Lafayette, 2015 |
$40,745.74 | $0.00 | $2,087.00 | $42,832.74 | $10,609.42 | $53,442.16 |
Mary Bruns |
Trans Coordinator Lafayette, 2015 |
$43,298.28 | $0.00 | $1,732.00 | $45,030.28 | $6,494.77 | $51,525.05 |
Alexandra Majoulet |
Public Works Technician Lafayette, 2015 |
$33,705.82 | $0.00 | $1,812.00 | $35,517.82 | $12,802.33 | $48,320.15 |
Anne Blodgett |
Admin Assistant Lafayette, 2015 |
$31,003.69 | $0.00 | $6,656.97 | $37,660.66 | $9,301.14 | $46,961.80 |
Carol Files |
Admin Assistant Lafayette, 2015 |
$25,330.33 | $0.00 | $2,333.53 | $27,663.86 | $15,010.82 | $42,674.68 |
Dana Anderson |
Admin Assistant Lafayette, 2015 |
$23,728.54 | $0.00 | $2,237.85 | $25,966.39 | $14,766.87 | $40,733.26 |
Patricia Young |
Recreation Aide Lafayette, 2015 |
$38,493.75 | $0.00 | $1,547.00 | $40,040.75 | $0.00 | $40,040.75 |
James Hinkamp |
Transportation Planner Lafayette, 2015 |
$28,620.87 | $0.00 | $1,150.00 | $29,770.87 | $7,199.72 | $36,970.59 |
Christopher Juram |
Planning Technician Lafayette, 2015 |
$29,485.98 | $436.88 | $1,179.00 | $31,101.86 | $4,422.43 | $35,524.29 |
Donica Katayanagi |
Admin Assistant Lafayette, 2015 |
$28,793.26 | $0.00 | $2,211.80 | $31,005.06 | $4,477.00 | $35,482.06 |
Heather Davis |
Recreation Aide Lafayette, 2015 |
$30,301.13 | $0.00 | $1,218.00 | $31,519.13 | $0.00 | $31,519.13 |
Julia Koppman Norton |
Planning Technician Lafayette, 2015 |
$24,613.84 | $0.00 | $985.00 | $25,598.84 | $5,496.66 | $31,095.50 |
John Cornell |
Parking Enforcement Lafayette, 2015 |
$28,565.00 | $1,423.50 | $1,103.00 | $31,091.50 | $0.00 | $31,091.50 |
Zachary Shaman |
Parking Enforcement Lafayette, 2015 |
$28,544.63 | $2,019.94 | $0.00 | $30,564.57 | $0.00 | $30,564.57 |
Luis D. Flores |
Facilities Maintenance Lafayette, 2015 |
$21,007.36 | $0.00 | $847.00 | $21,854.36 | $7,100.22 | $28,954.58 |
Lindy Chan |
Senior Planner Lafayette, 2015 |
$8,011.68 | $0.00 | $15,935.76 | $23,947.44 | $4,679.06 | $28,626.50 |