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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
Linda Scholink |
Director of Admin. Services Sand City, 2015 |
$170,316.00 | $0.00 | $3,960.00 | $174,276.00 | $67,053.74 | $241,329.74 |
Todd Bodem |
City Admin./Comm. Devel. Director Sand City, 2015 |
$151,252.50 | $0.00 | $4,320.00 | $155,572.50 | $35,117.63 | $190,690.13 |
Vito Graziano |
Police Sergeant Sand City, 2015 |
$116,404.92 | $82.57 | $2,200.00 | $118,687.49 | $62,224.56 | $180,912.05 |
Michael Mount |
Police Officer Sand City, 2015 |
$100,375.56 | $9,006.97 | $2,712.78 | $112,095.31 | $56,822.23 | $168,917.54 |
James Heisinger |
Attorney Sand City, 2015 |
$118,403.22 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $118,403.22 | $46,662.12 | $165,065.34 |
David M. Blaul |
Police Officer Sand City, 2015 |
$102,170.54 | $0.00 | $2,920.00 | $105,090.54 | $57,611.95 | $162,702.49 |
Jeff Bushnell |
Police Officer Sand City, 2015 |
$92,482.53 | $0.00 | $2,620.00 | $95,102.53 | $57,185.05 | $152,287.58 |
Dale P. Allen |
Police Sergeant Sand City, 2015 |
$86,825.67 | $1,403.65 | $4,193.88 | $92,423.20 | $49,465.12 | $141,888.32 |
David Ducoeur |
Police Officer Sand City, 2015 |
$93,730.18 | $0.00 | $1,000.00 | $94,730.18 | $45,673.51 | $140,403.69 |
Charles Pooler |
Assoc. Planner Sand City, 2015 |
$94,470.90 | $1,732.23 | $0.00 | $96,203.13 | $42,834.36 | $139,037.49 |
Connie Horca |
Deputy City Clerk Sand City, 2015 |
$81,461.94 | $1,220.36 | $720.00 | $83,402.30 | $47,650.14 | $131,052.44 |
Harvey Drone |
Public Works Foreman Sand City, 2015 |
$82,195.34 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $82,195.34 | $45,718.70 | $127,914.04 |
Devon Lazzarino |
Accounting Tech II Sand City, 2015 |
$77,755.44 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $77,755.44 | $46,214.48 | $123,969.92 |
Lawrence Escobar |
Police Officer Sand City, 2015 |
$78,857.08 | $0.00 | $1,600.00 | $80,457.08 | $43,013.18 | $123,470.26 |
Nancy Fletcher |
Records Coordinator Sand City, 2015 |
$77,536.68 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $77,896.68 | $37,800.05 | $115,696.73 |
Brian Ferrante |
Police Chief/PW Supervisor Sand City, 2015 |
$85,079.10 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $85,079.10 | $22,789.76 | $107,868.86 |
Veronica Harlan |
Police Officer Sand City, 2015 |
$65,109.63 | $0.00 | $3,140.00 | $68,249.63 | $32,462.87 | $100,712.50 |
Frederick Menezes |
Public Works Sand City, 2015 |
$57,687.18 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $57,687.18 | $39,126.61 | $96,813.79 |
Richard Garza |
Public Works Sand City, 2015 |
$52,261.68 | $0.00 | $720.00 | $52,981.68 | $36,862.35 | $89,844.03 |
John Klein |
Interim Police Chief/PW Supervisor Sand City, 2015 |
$31,600.59 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $31,600.59 | $0.00 | $31,600.59 |
David Pendergrass |
Mayor Sand City, 2015 |
$3,600.00 | $0.00 | $2,400.00 | $6,000.00 | $15,302.22 | $21,302.22 |
Mary Ann Carbone |
Vice Mayor Sand City, 2015 |
$3,600.00 | $0.00 | $720.00 | $4,320.00 | $15,963.06 | $20,283.06 |
Craig Hubler |
Council Member Sand City, 2015 |
$3,600.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $3,600.00 | $16,623.90 | $20,223.90 |
Jerry L. Blackwelder |
Council Member Sand City, 2015 |
$3,600.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $3,600.00 | $15,302.22 | $18,902.22 |
Todd Kruper |
Council Member Sand City, 2015 |
$3,600.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $3,600.00 | $14,112.66 | $17,712.66 |
Dennis J. Alexander |
Police Reserve Sand City, 2015 |
$15,207.15 | $0.00 | $400.00 | $15,607.15 | $0.00 | $15,607.15 |
Brandon Segovia |
Police Officer Sand City, 2015 |
$10,140.95 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $10,140.95 | $2,856.48 | $12,997.43 |
Jeffrey Parker |
Police Reserve Sand City, 2015 |
$6,167.28 | $0.00 | $350.00 | $6,517.28 | $2,823.82 | $9,341.10 |
Kelly Morgan |
Interim City Admin./Comm. Devel. Director Sand City, 2015 |
$4,094.89 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $4,094.89 | $0.00 | $4,094.89 |