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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Total pay & benefits |
Kenneth C Farfsing |
City Manager Carson, 2016 |
$235,256.00 | $0.00 | $15,000.00 | $250,256.00 | $102,801.00 | $353,057.00 |
Cecil W. Rhambo Jr. |
Assistant City Manager Carson, 2016 |
$188,520.00 | $0.00 | $30,520.00 | $219,040.00 | $62,081.00 | $281,121.00 |
Gail A. Dixon-Mcmahon |
Director of Human Resources and Risk Management Carson, 2016 |
$175,065.00 | $0.00 | $19,604.00 | $194,669.00 | $76,495.00 | $271,164.00 |
Maria Williams Slaughter |
Director of Public Works Carson, 2016 |
$175,065.00 | $0.00 | $12,373.00 | $187,438.00 | $81,107.00 | $268,545.00 |
John S Raymond |
Director of Community Develoipment Carson, 2016 |
$175,065.00 | $0.00 | $11,177.00 | $186,242.00 | $81,107.00 | $267,349.00 |
Kathryn M Downs |
Director of Finance Carson, 2016 |
$159,519.00 | $0.00 | $16,092.00 | $175,611.00 | $79,006.00 | $254,617.00 |
Saied Naaseh-Shahry |
Manager, Planning Carson, 2016 |
$147,120.00 | $0.00 | $33,319.00 | $180,439.00 | $70,900.00 | $251,339.00 |
Trinidad Hernandez Catbagan |
City Controller Carson, 2016 |
$140,196.00 | $0.00 | $33,358.00 | $173,554.00 | $68,796.00 | $242,350.00 |
Robert Eggleston Jr. |
Information Technology Manager Carson, 2016 |
$143,555.00 | $466.00 | $22,711.00 | $166,732.00 | $73,327.00 | $240,059.00 |
Ky-Hieu Truong |
Manager, Public Safety and Community Services Carson, 2016 |
$126,888.00 | $0.00 | $26,935.00 | $153,823.00 | $70,078.00 | $223,901.00 |
Gilbert M. Marquez |
Principal Civil Engineer/City Engineer Carson, 2016 |
$137,428.00 | $0.00 | $17,118.00 | $154,546.00 | $69,192.00 | $223,738.00 |
Kenneth M Mckay |
Manager, Public Safety Services Carson, 2016 |
$126,888.00 | $0.00 | $22,007.00 | $148,895.00 | $68,840.00 | $217,735.00 |
Richard D. Garland |
Traffic Engineer Carson, 2016 |
$130,044.00 | $0.00 | $18,913.00 | $148,957.00 | $68,586.00 | $217,543.00 |
Arnold Carraway |
Superintendent, Recreation Carson, 2016 |
$117,614.00 | $0.00 | $24,943.00 | $142,557.00 | $66,672.00 | $209,229.00 |
Kelly Jean Lindberg |
Chief Duputy City Treasurer Carson, 2016 |
$120,780.00 | $0.00 | $23,841.00 | $144,621.00 | $56,609.00 | $201,230.00 |
Barry M. Waite |
Manager, Business Development Carson, 2016 |
$79,220.00 | $0.00 | $73,367.00 | $152,587.00 | $42,363.00 | $194,950.00 |
Alexander J. Rocco |
Geographic Information Services Administrator Carson, 2016 |
$114,970.00 | $373.00 | $10,848.00 | $126,191.00 | $63,394.00 | $189,585.00 |
Michael Whittiker |
Recreation Program Manager Carson, 2016 |
$104,130.00 | $13,529.00 | $14,785.00 | $132,444.00 | $56,993.00 | $189,437.00 |
Linda F Mann |
Housing Program Manager Carson, 2016 |
$114,760.00 | $0.00 | $18,910.00 | $133,670.00 | $54,037.00 | $187,707.00 |
Monica D Cooper |
City Treasurer Carson, 2016 |
$122,913.00 | $0.00 | $7,508.00 | $130,421.00 | $56,926.00 | $187,347.00 |
Raymond Honrado Velasco |
Senior Civil Engineer Carson, 2016 |
$112,072.00 | $0.00 | $11,944.00 | $124,016.00 | $59,154.00 | $183,170.00 |
Bobby Grove |
Recreation Program Manager Carson, 2016 |
$102,573.00 | $5,518.00 | $11,834.00 | $119,925.00 | $56,299.00 | $176,224.00 |
Scott Griffee |
Recreation Program Manager Carson, 2016 |
$104,203.00 | $0.00 | $13,887.00 | $118,090.00 | $57,828.00 | $175,918.00 |
Christopher Ortiz |
Public Works Operations Manager Carson, 2016 |
$114,509.00 | $0.00 | $3,425.00 | $117,934.00 | $54,595.00 | $172,529.00 |
Donesia Gause |
City Clerk Carson, 2016 |
$98,886.00 | $0.00 | $26,331.00 | $125,217.00 | $46,728.00 | $171,945.00 |
Elvia Parra |
Senior Human Resources Analyst Carson, 2016 |
$104,145.00 | $0.00 | $9,973.00 | $114,118.00 | $57,428.00 | $171,546.00 |
Margarita Revilla-Garcia |
Public Information Administrator Carson, 2016 |
$101,628.00 | $0.00 | $11,819.00 | $113,447.00 | $56,468.00 | $169,915.00 |
Rizk Boutros |
Associate Civil Engineer Carson, 2016 |
$101,628.00 | $733.00 | $10,857.00 | $113,218.00 | $56,014.00 | $169,232.00 |
Abelardo Linares |
Telecommunications And Systems Analyst Carson, 2016 |
$99,106.00 | $322.00 | $13,483.00 | $112,911.00 | $56,202.00 | $169,113.00 |
Rita M. Hunter |
Systems Analyst Carson, 2016 |
$106,738.00 | $0.00 | $10,532.00 | $117,270.00 | $49,171.00 | $166,441.00 |
Joy Marie Simarago |
Deputy City Clerk Carson, 2016 |
$81,215.00 | $9,885.00 | $22,140.00 | $113,240.00 | $53,163.00 | $166,403.00 |
Garrett L. Roberts |
Administrative Analyst Carson, 2016 |
$86,522.00 | $0.00 | $32,671.00 | $119,193.00 | $44,890.00 | $164,083.00 |
Bing Jing |
Web Developer Carson, 2016 |
$99,107.00 | $1,155.00 | $4,141.00 | $104,403.00 | $55,389.00 | $159,792.00 |
Reata Adel Kulcsar |
Civil Engineering Assistant Carson, 2016 |
$91,460.00 | $2,954.00 | $19,161.00 | $113,575.00 | $45,546.00 | $159,121.00 |
Regina D. Ramirez |
Supervisor, Community Center Carson, 2016 |
$83,388.00 | $631.00 | $19,148.00 | $103,167.00 | $53,687.00 | $156,854.00 |
Anthony C. Schifano |
Supervisor, Building Maintenance Carson, 2016 |
$94,452.00 | $2,763.00 | $8,671.00 | $105,886.00 | $50,517.00 | $156,403.00 |
Richard A Rojas Jr. |
Senior Planner Carson, 2016 |
$99,054.00 | $140.00 | $12,633.00 | $111,827.00 | $44,063.00 | $155,890.00 |
Timothy Grierson |
Senior Recreation Center Supervisor Carson, 2016 |
$90,612.00 | $1,973.00 | $9,939.00 | $102,524.00 | $52,867.00 | $155,391.00 |
Cecil Carl Flournoy Iii |
Redevelopment Project Manager Carson, 2016 |
$102,530.00 | $0.00 | $1,993.00 | $104,523.00 | $50,753.00 | $155,276.00 |
Janette Tupuola |
Supervisor, Code Enforcement Carson, 2016 |
$87,756.00 | $0.00 | $21,193.00 | $108,949.00 | $46,049.00 | $154,998.00 |
Majid Hooshvar |
Supervisor, Construction Inspector Carson, 2016 |
$94,452.00 | $783.00 | $9,356.00 | $104,591.00 | $49,423.00 | $154,014.00 |
Gwendolyn R. Whitaker-Pompey |
Recreation Center Supervisor II Carson, 2016 |
$84,187.00 | $1,761.00 | $16,029.00 | $101,977.00 | $51,498.00 | $153,475.00 |
Marina A. Greene |
Recreation Center Supervisor II Carson, 2016 |
$84,188.00 | $0.00 | $16,588.00 | $100,776.00 | $51,115.00 | $151,891.00 |
Keith Alan Bennett |
Housing Analyst Carson, 2016 |
$87,612.00 | $0.00 | $11,298.00 | $98,910.00 | $51,012.00 | $149,922.00 |
Brent C. Severtson |
Supervisor, Building Maintenance Carson, 2016 |
$85,413.00 | $453.00 | $10,551.00 | $96,417.00 | $53,155.00 | $149,572.00 |
Gregory R. Macdonald |
Supervisor, Public Works Maintenance-Tree Maintenance Carson, 2016 |
$89,820.00 | $927.00 | $5,885.00 | $96,632.00 | $52,322.00 | $148,954.00 |
Glenn E. Turner |
Computer Systems Support Technician Carson, 2016 |
$75,559.00 | $20,420.00 | $6,553.00 | $102,532.00 | $46,219.00 | $148,751.00 |
Eleanor Denize Hunt |
Senior Recreation Center Supervisor Carson, 2016 |
$90,612.00 | $0.00 | $13,810.00 | $104,422.00 | $44,083.00 | $148,505.00 |
Brent Steven Gesch |
Principal Administrative Analyst Carson, 2016 |
$92,812.00 | $0.00 | $6,474.00 | $99,286.00 | $48,670.00 | $147,956.00 |
Zacarias Ruiz Gonzalez Ii |
Associate Planner Carson, 2016 |
$92,052.00 | $695.00 | $6,093.00 | $98,840.00 | $48,156.00 | $146,996.00 |