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Name | Job title | Regular pay | Overtime pay | Other pay | Total pay | Benefits | Pension debt | Total pay & benefits |
Michael Killebrew |
City Manager Dana Point, 2020 |
$238,525.00 | $0.00 | $14,989.00 | $253,514.00 | $54,084.00 | $16,403.08 | $324,001.08 |
Matthew Sinacori |
Director Of Public Works Dana Point, 2020 |
$199,350.00 | $0.00 | $7,840.00 | $207,190.00 | $44,834.00 | $13,706.27 | $265,730.27 |
Brenda Wisneski |
Director Of Community Development Dana Point, 2020 |
$198,712.00 | $0.00 | $7,588.00 | $206,300.00 | $42,121.00 | $13,868.91 | $262,289.91 |
Kelly Reenders |
Asst City Mgr/Dir Econ Dev & Community Svcs Dana Point, 2020 |
$189,297.00 | $0.00 | $5,372.00 | $194,669.00 | $38,301.00 | $13,022.03 | $245,992.03 |
Kathy Ward |
City Clerk Dana Point, 2020 |
$140,879.00 | $0.00 | $31,300.00 | $172,179.00 | $20,593.00 | $9,672.73 | $202,444.73 |
Joseph Romero |
Building Official Dana Point, 2020 |
$147,826.00 | $0.00 | $3,740.00 | $151,566.00 | $26,127.00 | $7,015.45 | $184,708.45 |
Werner Abrajano |
Senior Civil Engineer Dana Point, 2020 |
$138,920.00 | $0.00 | $14,135.00 | $153,055.00 | $20,888.00 | $9,551.56 | $183,494.56 |
Robert Sedita |
Director Of General Services Dana Point, 2020 |
$140,150.00 | $0.00 | $9,930.00 | $150,080.00 | $19,073.00 | $9,634.50 | $178,787.50 |
Lisa Zawaski |
Senior Water Quality Engineer Dana Point, 2020 |
$134,308.00 | $0.00 | $12,480.00 | $146,788.00 | $22,276.00 | $9,234.06 | $178,298.06 |
Kurth Nelson |
Principal Planner Dana Point, 2020 |
$135,700.00 | $0.00 | $500.00 | $136,200.00 | $29,699.00 | $9,329.96 | $175,228.96 |
Sherry Murphy |
Recreation Manager Dana Point, 2020 |
$126,183.00 | $0.00 | $8,054.00 | $134,237.00 | $28,689.00 | $8,675.52 | $171,601.52 |
Matt Kunk |
Principal Engineer Dana Point, 2020 |
$130,351.00 | $0.00 | $1,340.00 | $131,691.00 | $29,132.00 | $8,962.57 | $169,785.57 |
Scott Fisher |
Senior Construction Engineer Dana Point, 2020 |
$124,416.00 | $0.00 | $6,380.00 | $130,796.00 | $24,438.00 | $5,921.05 | $161,155.05 |
Brandy Boka |
Senior Civil Engineer Dana Point, 2020 |
$122,160.00 | $0.00 | $19,016.00 | $141,176.00 | $8,972.00 | $5,813.49 | $155,961.49 |
Jeff Rosaler |
Community Development Manager Dana Point, 2020 |
$115,328.00 | $0.00 | $18,074.00 | $133,402.00 | $12,237.00 | $7,929.07 | $153,568.07 |
Mark Stal |
Facilities Operations Manager Dana Point, 2020 |
$119,013.00 | $0.00 | $1,340.00 | $120,353.00 | $24,041.00 | $5,663.81 | $150,057.81 |
Belinda Deines |
Principal Planner Dana Point, 2020 |
$112,760.00 | $0.00 | $2,114.00 | $114,874.00 | $27,271.00 | $7,756.71 | $149,901.71 |
Sean Nicholas |
Senior Planner Dana Point, 2020 |
$113,021.00 | $0.00 | $500.00 | $113,521.00 | $27,293.00 | $7,770.97 | $148,584.97 |
Shelley Velez |
Human Resources/Risk Manager Dana Point, 2020 |
$110,950.00 | $0.00 | $11,492.00 | $122,442.00 | $17,920.00 | $7,628.42 | $147,990.42 |
Gregg Gallegos |
Chief Building Inspector Dana Point, 2020 |
$110,959.00 | $129.00 | $8,871.00 | $119,959.00 | $19,434.00 | $7,635.55 | $147,028.55 |
Johnathan Ciampa |
Senior Planner Dana Point, 2020 |
$109,652.00 | $0.00 | $500.00 | $110,152.00 | $26,935.00 | $7,539.00 | $144,626.00 |
Mark Denny |
City Manager Dana Point, 2020 |
$72,692.00 | $0.00 | $56,442.00 | $129,134.00 | $10,418.00 | $4,814.33 | $144,366.33 |
Jennifer Anderson |
Senior Management Analyst Dana Point, 2020 |
$105,267.00 | $0.00 | $19,567.00 | $124,834.00 | $11,490.00 | $7,237.70 | $143,561.70 |
Alan Hill |
Senior Construction Inspector Dana Point, 2020 |
$97,673.00 | $4,501.00 | $4,655.00 | $106,829.00 | $25,664.00 | $6,715.45 | $139,208.45 |
Dean Brady |
Engineering Technician Iii Dana Point, 2020 |
$95,181.00 | $2,389.00 | $11,745.00 | $109,315.00 | $17,843.00 | $6,544.38 | $133,702.38 |
Reggie Jurado |
Engineering Technician Iii Dana Point, 2020 |
$90,358.00 | $5,784.00 | $20,037.00 | $116,179.00 | $9,720.00 | $6,298.16 | $132,197.16 |
Robin Harnish |
Accounting Supervisor Dana Point, 2020 |
$95,615.00 | $0.00 | $9,837.00 | $105,452.00 | $12,527.00 | $4,550.61 | $122,529.61 |
Chris Lea |
Chief Building Inspector Dana Point, 2020 |
$78,198.00 | $0.00 | $27,626.00 | $105,824.00 | $8,139.00 | $5,273.74 | $119,236.74 |
Al Jacobo |
Parks Superintendent Dana Point, 2020 |
$86,533.00 | $0.00 | $6,341.00 | $92,874.00 | $19,006.00 | $6,035.09 | $117,915.09 |
Michael Henson |
Senior Building Inspector Dana Point, 2020 |
$81,090.00 | $4,963.00 | $14,675.00 | $100,728.00 | $10,619.00 | $5,578.28 | $116,925.28 |
Juan Ruano |
Parks Maintenance Worker Iii Dana Point, 2020 |
$76,001.00 | $7,674.00 | $17,358.00 | $101,033.00 | $8,186.00 | $5,304.19 | $114,523.19 |
John Aguilar |
Engineering Technician Iii Dana Point, 2020 |
$83,258.00 | $0.00 | $14,031.00 | $97,289.00 | $10,273.00 | $5,724.07 | $113,286.07 |
Angela Duzich |
Code Enforcement Officer Dana Point, 2020 |
$77,425.00 | $0.00 | $2,774.00 | $80,199.00 | $25,616.00 | $5,323.63 | $111,138.63 |
Dyanne Weamire |
Management Analyst Dana Point, 2020 |
$73,698.00 | $4,246.00 | $11,436.00 | $89,380.00 | $16,115.00 | $5,052.78 | $110,547.78 |
Brian Mickelson |
Code Enforcement Officer Dana Point, 2020 |
$81,315.00 | $2,050.00 | $1,981.00 | $85,346.00 | $21,256.00 | $3,859.24 | $110,461.24 |
Monique Leon |
Recreation Supervisor I Dana Point, 2020 |
$69,018.00 | $10,025.00 | $17,518.00 | $96,561.00 | $7,433.00 | $4,745.65 | $108,739.65 |
James Shadle |
Senior Management Analyst Dana Point, 2020 |
$91,918.00 | $0.00 | $4,190.00 | $96,108.00 | $7,305.00 | $4,376.96 | $107,789.96 |
Jackie Littler |
Executive Assistant Dana Point, 2020 |
$67,080.00 | $0.00 | $19,109.00 | $86,189.00 | $15,039.00 | $4,580.42 | $105,808.42 |
Ted Harris |
Code Enforcement Officer Dana Point, 2020 |
$78,456.00 | $0.00 | $17,230.00 | $95,686.00 | $5,936.00 | $3,733.54 | $105,355.54 |
Ray Oropeza |
Code Enforcement Officer Dana Point, 2020 |
$71,680.00 | $2,522.00 | $2,723.00 | $76,925.00 | $23,047.00 | $5,019.74 | $104,991.74 |
Daniel Giometti |
Associate Planner Dana Point, 2020 |
$79,131.00 | $198.00 | $15,105.00 | $94,434.00 | $5,812.00 | $3,765.94 | $104,011.94 |
Bernice Villanueva |
Natural Resources Protection Officer Dana Point, 2020 |
$77,951.00 | $0.00 | $6,945.00 | $84,896.00 | $14,734.00 | $3,709.56 | $103,339.56 |
Shayna Sharke |
Deputy City Clerk Dana Point, 2020 |
$70,979.00 | $0.00 | $2,437.00 | $73,416.00 | $22,812.00 | $4,867.47 | $101,095.47 |
Alicia West |
Accountant Dana Point, 2020 |
$74,755.00 | $0.00 | $14,818.00 | $89,573.00 | $5,811.00 | $3,557.94 | $98,941.94 |
Jaimie To |
Management Analyst Dana Point, 2020 |
$72,099.00 | $0.00 | $16,973.00 | $89,072.00 | $5,918.00 | $3,432.89 | $98,422.89 |
Lauren Kehiayan |
Management Analyst Dana Point, 2020 |
$72,289.00 | $0.00 | $15,381.00 | $87,670.00 | $5,485.00 | $3,441.31 | $96,596.31 |
Norma Hoover |
Accounting Technician Dana Point, 2020 |
$67,816.00 | $338.00 | $6,719.00 | $74,873.00 | $15,666.00 | $4,662.06 | $95,201.06 |
Staci Sheaks |
Management Analyst Dana Point, 2020 |
$70,289.00 | $376.00 | $3,249.00 | $73,914.00 | $17,448.00 | $3,351.24 | $94,713.24 |
Antoinette Kulick |
Senior Permit Technician Dana Point, 2020 |
$65,779.00 | $4,722.00 | $822.00 | $71,323.00 | $19,940.00 | $3,006.53 | $94,269.53 |
Kolleen Wallace |
Recreation Coordinator Dana Point, 2020 |
$63,626.00 | $2,485.00 | $8,442.00 | $74,553.00 | $15,328.00 | $4,374.37 | $94,255.37 |