Job title | Count | Avg Regular pay | Avg Overtime pay | Avg Other pay | Avg Total pay | Avg Benefits | Avg Total pay & benefits |
General Manager/Secretary To The Board | 1 | $144,490.98 | $44,781.95 | $0.00 | $189,272.93 | $22,397.14 | $211,670.07 |
Superintendent | 1 | $89,199.00 | $9,318.40 | $0.00 | $98,517.40 | $21,681.05 | $120,198.45 |
Office Manager | 1 | $90,090.00 | $4,343.66 | $0.00 | $94,433.66 | $21,759.41 | $116,193.07 |
Field Supervisor | 1 | $72,417.80 | $1,969.60 | $0.00 | $74,387.40 | $5,547.93 | $79,935.33 |
Equipment Operator | 1 | $54,149.27 | $1,833.29 | $0.00 | $55,982.56 | $13,913.38 | $69,895.94 |
Billing Specialist | 1 | $53,125.81 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $53,125.81 | $14,258.11 | $67,383.92 |
Office Assistant | 1 | $41,514.20 | $119.75 | $0.00 | $41,633.95 | $17,221.36 | $58,855.31 |
Maintenance Worker | 1 | $30,599.60 | $51.09 | $481.92 | $31,132.61 | $12,115.20 | $43,247.81 |
Laborer | 1 | $35,951.96 | $249.99 | $0.00 | $36,201.95 | $2,753.02 | $38,954.97 |
Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.