Job title | Count | Avg Regular pay | Avg Overtime pay | Avg Other pay | Avg Total pay | Avg Benefits | Avg Total pay & benefits |
General Manager | 1 | $126,816.00 | $0.00 | $30,486.00 | $157,302.00 | $9,625.33 | $166,927.33 |
Operations & Maintenance Supervisor | 1 | $82,197.00 | $4,551.00 | $7,800.00 | $94,548.00 | $24,217.75 | $118,765.75 |
Office Manager | 1 | $56,686.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $56,686.00 | $15,353.47 | $72,039.47 |
Maintenance Man | 2 | $31,308.50 | $1,720.00 | $3,070.00 | $36,098.50 | $9,554.32 | $45,652.82 |
Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.