Job title summary for Mendota

Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
City Manager 1 $173,138.44 $0.00 $31,034.46 $204,172.90 $12,379.78 $216,770.08
Police Chief 1 $129,084.51 $0.00 $5,426.91 $134,511.42 $35,172.72 $169,684.14
Director Of Administrative Services/ Assistant City Manager 1 $110,145.89 $0.00 $8,385.14 $118,531.03 $30,063.08 $148,777.06
Chief Plant Operator 1 $94,363.16 $0.00 $7,078.53 $101,441.69 $22,799.24 $124,393.20
City Clerk/Event Coordinator 1 $82,533.19 $0.00 $6,373.20 $88,906.39 $28,078.98 $117,124.23
Public Works Foreman 1 $67,452.20 $6,275.35 $3,683.79 $77,411.34 $31,435.41 $108,955.60
Police Sergeant 3 $66,168.02 $17,014.62 $17,820.46 $101,003.11 $6,974.67 $107,977.77
Public Works Superintendent 1 $80,965.08 $0.00 $3,891.46 $84,856.54 $18,178.38 $103,165.58
Police Officer 5 $58,463.95 $11,939.24 $8,721.35 $79,124.53 $9,400.73 $88,525.26
Water/Wastewater Operator Ii 1 $59,559.82 $6,747.71 $6,255.41 $72,562.94 $12,527.74 $85,186.78
Finance Administrative Supervisor 1 $56,346.07 $0.00 $7,182.41 $63,528.48 $21,051.92 $84,672.97
Police Records Manager 1 $56,980.36 $0.00 $5,866.76 $62,847.12 $20,510.47 $83,451.93
Administrative Assistant Ii 1 $41,868.55 $812.95 $0.00 $42,681.50 $26,007.75 $68,756.81
Maintenance Worker Ii 3 $41,961.77 $2,238.45 $2,457.44 $46,657.66 $16,142.15 $62,867.55
Maintenance Worker I 6 $41,607.94 $2,280.68 $4,336.14 $48,224.76 $12,336.82 $60,628.72
Administrative Assistant I 1 $33,274.47 $939.16 $0.00 $34,213.63 $25,520.00 $59,785.77
Police Records Clerk 1 $39,333.13 $780.43 $803.62 $40,917.18 $11,421.97 $52,402.61
Community Service Officer 3 $39,550.07 $1,997.86 $1,833.33 $43,381.27 $5,498.49 $48,943.56
Part-Time Employee 1 $36,928.38 $667.27 $0.00 $37,595.65 $2,797.62 $40,452.84

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.